Hate Sink Wiki
Percy Wetmore Horrified

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King Jamison is a minor antagonist in Into the Mirror, and a forced protagonist in The 3 Junketeers.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

Into the Mirror[]

  • It is implied that he raped dozens before Strike Commander Ogundimu and Agent Colomar arrived at Junkertown.
  • He paid a spy to reveal who he was working for, then blew him up after capturing Ogundimu and Colomar.
  • He took Colomar to a separate room, where he spent an hour raping her.
  • When Ogundimu stepped into the arena, he knocked out Colomar for trying to expose him over the speakers.
  • After Ogundimu defeated the champion, he sent machines to kill him.
    • What makes this worse is that he promised to let them go if they defeated the champion.
  • When Ogundimu and Rutledge confronted Jamison, he tried to blow them up.
  • King Jamison had a lasting impact on Agent Colomar, as she had to seek out therapy over what he had done.

The 3 Junketeers[]

  • Although Chronoguard tried to force him to be a hero, he still managed to be a hate sink.
    • He was even dubbed 'the worst Junkrat variant' by a Chronoguard officer, showcasing his despicable nature.
  • When he and 2 other Junkrat variants were trying to interrogate a Talon operative, he locked himself in a room and proceeded to rape her, just to make her talk.
  • When Junkrat and Fawkes were captured from the vents, King Jamison left them behind.
  • Later, when he and Fawkes are attempting to retrieve a canister of Vanadium, he revealed his fantasies of women and chains, and didn't object when Fawkes asked if he was willing to do the same to children.
  • When Fawkes almost fell to his death, King Jamison didn't bother trying to save him.
  • As punishment for his acts, Junkrat put a firecracker down his pants, which blew his dick off and required surgery.
    • This punishment is played for full satisfaction.


  • King Jamison is the first hate Sink from RealM1NEPR0's Overwatch stories
  • He is the only villain from RealM1NEPR0's Overwatch to be a rapist