Hate Sink Wiki
Percy Wetmore Horrified

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You imbecile! you pathetic fool! You should've never existed in the first place and I'll make you wish to never exist again!
~ Kirito revealing his true colors to Sam

Kirito Vlasov is the hidden main antagonist of The Hollow Rose a prequel to Wars Against Hell Remastered, which was written by HourglassTheHybird.

He was a heroic knight who is secretly traitor who betrayed Eclipse after she fell in love with Sam and had her executed for it thus indirectly causing Sam becoming the Hollow Titan and all of the events in the story. He is Sam's archenemy.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • Before his betrayal, he was already an egotistical knight who wanted to win Eclipse's heart and become her boyfriend.
  • He was very xenophobic towards the Hollows especially Sam, attempting to get him executed twice.
  • He was never a good friend in the first place, always wanting to be stronger than others and belittling them
    • Bullied Betty Lou for being a goblin and short temper, eventually taunting her specie's deaths before killing her.
    • Belittled Alex Stine and Gabriel Jefferson for living in poverty and mocking them for being "weak".
    • Accuses Lilith Pandora of being a slut, while he tried to flirt with her before meeting each other.
    • Outright abuses Thrax for being shy and not fixing his armor.
    • Constantly tries to win Eclipse's heart and harassed her to a point where she slaps him with a snap of reality, this even makes him furious which makes it petty.
    • He never shows to cooperate with his team and always want to do things his own way which leads them in danger.
    • Lastly he is a terrible "friend" towards Sam, outright insulting and hating him for no reason other than being in a relationship with Eclipse.
  • He falsely accused Eclipse of black magic, which caused her to be executed in front of Sam.
  • After her death, he mocks and taunts Sam about Eclipse's death for his sadism.
  • He sent his gang to burn Sam's home down and murdered his friends in front of him.
  • Brutally torturing Sam for his enjoyment and nearly gets him killed by his men.
  • He indirectly caused Sam to become The Hollow Titan and made him go a full on a rampage, causing thousands to be killed and caused the kingdom to be destroyed.
  • His death is not played for sympathy and is well-deserved for everything that he's done.
  • Even after his death, he still left Sam with PSTD for life and caused him to have several breakdowns, which also lead his hatred towards men.


  • Kirito is somewhat loosely based off of Kirito from Sword Art Online, as the creator wanted to make fun of it's unnecessarily overpowered protagonist.
  • His Truth or Dare counterpart doesn't qualify as it's non-canon to the story and is portrayed as a butt-monkey.

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