Hate Sink Wiki

Koji (known as Yūji in the Japanese version) is a one-shot antagonist in the Pokémon anime series, appearing as the main antagonist of the episode Good' Quil Hunting.

He is a brash trainer who wants to catch a Cyndaquil for himself and tried to prevent Ash from trying to catch it even if it means stealing it back from him.

He was voiced by Akio Suiyama in the original Japanese version and by Ted Lewis in the English version.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He is shown to be already arrogant and egotistical as he shouts at Ash for trying catch a Cyndaquil.
  • When he sees Ash approaching to a Cyndaquil, he sends out his Sandslash to use Sand Attack on him in attempt to catch it for himself.
  • He uses his Sandslash to attack the Cyndaquil while catching it and after it was already caught by Ash.
  • Even after Ash caught the Cyndaquil, he still wanted to take it for him and refuses to let him have it.
  • He mocks Ash into battling him so he can keep the Cyndaquil for himself.
  • He is even mean to his Sandslash. He forced it to continue battling even when it was clearly exhausted from using Fury Swipes too much.
  • After Ash and Cyndaquil won and defeated his Sandslash, he outright tries to steal it with a net before Cyndaquil decides to attempt to use its Flamethrower at him before he ran away.

External Link[]


            Hate Sinks

Damian | Dario | Gengar's Former Trainer | Koji | Shamus | Mantle | Rose | Dee Dunstan | Dr. Zed | Rico | Grings Kodai | Ghetsis (Pokémon Generations) | Iron-Masked Marauder | Princess Allie


Ghetsis (Pokémon Adventures)

Main Games
Charon | Melli | Ardos

Spin-Off Games

Scrapped Folklore: The Woman's Friends

Others: Bianca (Scrapped Wishes) | Volo's Father | The AI (Pokemon Maroon) | Hans (Pokémon Revenge of the Island) | Colonel Hansen (Pokémon Odyssey) | Faba (Ultra Eclipse) | Ares (Arc of Juliana) | Seymour (Gumbino) | Misty (Pokémon: Journey Until The Very End) | Unnamed Female Trainer (The Most Evil Pokemon Trainer) | Typhlosion (Mistranslated Folklore)

Pokémon Hearted Souls:
Silver | Harrison

Pokemon Dominion:
Goh | Obstagoon | Daniel | Kayla | Georgia | Faba | Julia | Sharkpedo

Pokémon Forever Wishes:
Shaw | Burgundy | Georgia | Trip

Pokemon Zero:
Shamus | Serena's Father

Pokémon: A Marvelous Journey:
Hester Amoretto | Caiseal's Biological Parents/Fergus and Nollaig Brownstone

Pokémon Shattered Dimensions:
Mindy | Paul | Tobias

Blue | Virgilax

Starter Squad:
Gaven | Weepinbell | Chimchar

Pokémon Retold: Black:
Amber/Hil's Mother | Ghetsis

Pokémon Reset Bloodlines:
Damian | Joshua | Dario | Gary/Ash's Father | Rookie Crusher

Pokémon Jotho Fables:

Silver (My Little Pokémon) | Sara Diktaylis (Infinity Train: Seeker of Crocus)
