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Kraznys mo Nakloz is one of the Good Masters which are the ruling elite of the city of Astapor. He serves as a minor antagonist to Daenerys Targaryen

in A Storm of Swords which is the third book of A Song of Ice and Fire, and Season 3 of Game of Thrones. He is a slavemaster who trains young boys to become Unsullied, so he could sell them.

He is played on the TV show by Dan Hildebrand.

What Makes Him Hated?[]

  • He is considered one of the cruelest people in the show, especially in the world of Essos.
  • He exhibits marked misogyny and as he told Missandei, his captive slave, he also only liked to "play" with the girls.
  • He is a slavemaster who trains thousands of boys to become Unsullied. First, all of the boys are gelded at a very young age. Then, they are given a puppy they have to take care of and by the end of the year they need to kill the puppy to get used to killing. The boys who fail to kill their puppies are killed and then fed to dogs as punishment. Each day they select new names at random by drawing tokens from a bucket. Each of those tokens consists of a color and a type of vermin. They are subjected to harsh training which is designed to strip away all self-worth, empathy and individuality. The training is so brutal that approximately only one of every three boys (in the TV show it's one of every four boys) completes the training while the rest die. The boys who have survived the years of training have to buy a baby from the slave market and kill it in front of the mother to further prove that they are capable of killing others. They then get sold to the rich people willing to pay well for them to be used as highly skilled soldiers. In the show the part where they have to kill puppies is omitted, but all the other aspects of the training are retained.
  • Kraznys mo Nakloz demonstrates the Unsullied's resistance to pain in front of Daenerys by personally cutting off the nipple of one of his Unsullied who barely reacts.
  • He is very rude and constantly insults Daenerys, thinking she can't understand his language and is verbally abusive to his translator, Missandei, Which makes Daenerys decide to buy her from him.
  • He invites Daenerys to one of Astapor's pits for a spectacle with a bear and three small boys - one boy is to be rolled in honey, one in blood and one in rotting fish, with the audience wagering on which boy the bear will eat first. While there is no indication this spectacle is organized by Kraznys himself, he is still delighted to see it which shows what kind of person he is.
  • In the books, after he sells the Unsullied to Daenerys, he advises her to let her army spill some blood by looting towns. Kraznys also asks Daenerys to sell him any strong boys she captures during the raids, so he can make new Unsullied out of them.
  • He tries to take control of Drogon, the dragon he "bought" and complains that he doesn't obey his orders, without any care for him.
  • While his death of being burned alive by Drogon is brutal, he deserved it about his act. he even order to the other masters to kill Daenerys before he got burned by her dragon.
  • None of his slaves and the people who knew him regretted his death and many of them experienced his tragedy even years later.
  • He lacks any positive qualities and despite his few moments shows how despicable he is. Even his relations with the other Masters are probably for reasons of economic sharing rather than concern.

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See Also
Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Buena Vista International Hate Sinks | Disney Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Lantern Entertainment Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Miramax Hate Sinks | New Line Cinema Hate Sinks | Netflix Hate Sinks | Pannonia Film Studio Hate Sinks | Paramount Hate Sinks | Rankin/Bass Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | WingNut Films Hate Sinks Harry Potter Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks

            Hate Sinks

Both Continuities:
Amory Lorch | Craster | Gregor Clegane | Janos Slynt | Kraznys mo Nakloz | Mero | Polliver | Pycelle | Ramsay Bolton | Rorge | Sorcerer | The Tickler | Viserys Targaryen | Walder Frey

Novels Only:
Alliser Thorne | Arnolf Karstark | Axell Florent | Boros Blount | Brave Companions | Chett | Clayton Suggs | Dalton Greyjoy | Ellyn Reyne | Edwyn Frey | Little Walder Frey | Mago | Marillion | Mountain's Men | Rossart | Rafford | Ryman Frey | Shagwell | Vargo Hoat | Maegor I Targaryen

Television Series Only:
Aerys II Targaryen | Balon Greyjoy | Biter | Black Walder Rivers | Brant | Derek | Euron Greyjoy | Belicho Paenymion | Craghas Drahar | Dagmer Cleftjaw | Greizhen mo Ullhor | Joffrey Baratheon | Karl Tanner | Lem Lemoncloak | Locke | Lothar Frey | Lowell | Master Torturer | Meryn Trant | Myranda | Rast | Septa Unella | Smalljon Umber | Razdal mo Eraz | The Waif | Tom | Weasel | Xaro Xhoan Daxos

Telltale Game:
Britt Warrick | Gryff Whitehill | Ludd Whitehill

Ramsay Snow (Our Blades Are Sharp) | Ser Willem Bootle (Robb Returns) | Edwyn Dickon (Robb Returns) | Aegon Targaryen (The Saddest Love Story In Westeros)

Gregor Clegane (Patroni In Winterfell)
