Hate Sink Wiki

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Laura Cunningham is a minor yet influential antagonist in Stranger Things: Lifeless. She is the abusive mother of Chrissy and Exer Cunningham while also a cult leader in Hawkins.

What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]

  • Like in the original Netflix show, she is severely abusive towards Chrissy and threatening to kill her due to her obese weight, viewing her as an embarrassment.
  • Also shows no love towards her son Exer, partially turning him into the sadistic monster he is today. She will also cover up his crimes and enable his actions due to his high status, showing no care that he rapes his own sister. She even mockingly calls her daughter a whore for letting it happen.
  • Also shows no love to her husband, Phillip, and is controlling over him, marrying him purely for his wealth and using it him as an accessory for funding her cult.
  • Secretly runs a cult in Hawkins disguised as a church and is implied to have killled people who got in their way, including children.
  • Allowed her son to molest some of the children in her cult.
  • She takes no responsibility for her daughter being killed by Vecna who targeted her due to the trauma she received partially from her abuse.
  • Cheered for her sonā€™s death. While he was a horrible person who didnā€™t deserve any sympathy, this is still particularly insensitive.
  • Unlike her son, she faces absolutely no consequences for her actions and likely continues operating her cult.


            Hate Sinks

Andy | Connie Frazier | General Ozerov | Jake | Larry Kline | Laura Cunningham | Lonnie Byers | Lt. Colonel Sullivan | Neil Hargrove | Rink-O-Mania DJ | Three, Four and Five | Tommy H. and Carol | Troy Walsh | Virginia Creel

Exer Cunningham | Laura Cunningham

See Also
Netflix Hate Sinks
