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You useless, dimwitted disappointed of a girl. If only you had never been born, Adam and Lilith might have escaped. It's a pity really. And if you had to exist, you could have been more capable. Perhaps I wouldn't had to hit you as I did, but I've made peace with it all. I'm almost glad you were born incompetent, called it a blessing in disguise, because you're still going to prove useful to me in the end.
~ Lizbeth sadistically berating her granddaughter Philomela for being born in the first place.

Lizbeth Sargant (リズベス・サーガント) is the main antagonist of season 2 in the anime/manga series The Ancient Magus' Bride. She is a cruel sorcerer and grandmother of Philomela and mother of Adam who only sees them as tools. She served under the Rickenbacker family.

She is voiced by Sayuri Sadaoka in Japanese while her English voice actor is currently unknown, and as a young adult, she is voiced by Katelyn Barr.

What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]

  • She is a narcissistic psychopathic woman who only cares about herself and her legacy for the Sargant family.
  • She is cruel and abusive towards her granddaughter Philomela, physically and psychologically abusing her for about a decade and would even lock her up in a cell over small mistakes.
  • She refuses to acknowledge her son's death is entirely her fault as she is the very reason he committed suicide. Instead, she shifts the blame onto Philomela, who has nothing to do with Adam's death.
  • While she does want to bring her son, Adam, back to life, she never genuinely loved him like an actual son since she only views him as her necessary successor of the Sargant family.
  • After learning that her son Adam had ran away, along with his slave-to-wife Iris, she later sent a group of assassins to track them down and kidnap his newborn daughter Philomela when she had come of a certain age to force Adam to return to her.
    • The resulting confrontation led to Iris being shot to death while defending her and Adam committing suicide, stating he would rather die than return to that dreaded mansion, before Philomela and her familiar, Alycone, were ultimately captured.
  • After learning that Adam's corpse had completely vanished, she would try using Philomela as Adam's replacement out of desperation.
    • She hates her granddaughter for being such an "incompetent" successor. She would also scold her for wasting her time on "trivial" games like magic puzzles.
  • She hired a couple of poachers to kidnap the trio of cubs from a werewolf family. She would then blackmail the parents into massacring the entire Webster family.
    • When the female werewolf returned and tearfully begged for her babies to be returned to her, she cruelly had her struck by one of her servants before seemingly agreeing to let her have them, only to then adjust the iron screws she had implanted in her skull so that she had no semblance of self and was in a feral state completely under control.
  • She left a pre-recorded message through Alycone where she harshly criticizes Philomela for potentially making friends and demands that she finish her task, otherwise risk never seeing her parents again.
  • After Philomela returned with enough magic within the Testament of Carnamagos, she stayed coldly silent when she asked if this meant her parents were finally going to come back (alluding to her not intending to keep her promise) and ignored the terrible, deteriorating state her body was in.
  • She cruelly mocks Philomela when revealing she would use her as a sacrifice to bringing Adam back by congratulating her for being such a "good girl" all those years that she always did what she was told without questions.
  • She cruelly killed Alycone, who was the only one Philomela had left as a real family.
  • She is so despised by everyone in-universe that even Chise, who is generally a kind-hearted and forgiving person, finds her to be a selfish person who only did all of the horrible stuff for herself.
  • Her death, while not exactly played with satisfaction, is not played with sympathy as nobody, not even Philomela and Chise, feel awful about her demise.
  • Unlike most other The Ancient Magus' Bride characters, Lizbeth lacks any real redeeming or sympathetic traits. Even Joseph's past made him sympathetic.

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