Hate Sink Wiki

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Ugh, Tessa James Elliot. We will not tolerate your dumpster pets.
~ Louisa to her daughter Tessa after seeing that she brought her Worker Drones outside of the library of the Elliot Mansion.

Louisa Elliott, possible née Frumptlebucket, is one of the overarching antagonists in the webseries Murder Drones. She is the abusive mother of Tessa Elliott, the wife of James Elliot, who has hatred against Worker Drones. She was killed by Cyn at the gala.

She was voiced by Cecelia Ramsdale in the english version, Fernanda Baronne in the Brazilian dub, Yelena Shirokova in the Russian dub, Martha Rave in the Latin American dub, and by Hanna Levchenko in the Ukrainian dub.

What makes her a Hate Sink?[]

  • She is extremely emotionally abusive towards her daughter Tessa, shutting her down every time she tries to talk. She also often chained her up in her room.
  • While not confirmed, its possible that she doesn't cared for her husband and daughter and only cared about her wealth.
  • She is extremely xenophobic towards Worker Drones, calling them "dumpster pets".
  • She planned to have Tessa's Worker Drones disposed of.
  • When N called her fans dumb, Louisa had him tied him up to a tree to have him eaten by crows. It's also shown that she did the same to another Worker Drone for unknown reasons.
  • When she saw Tessa with a gun, she decided to mock her for dress.
  • Unlike Alice, J, Doll and the Absolute Solver who had comedic, sympathetic, and/or Evil is Cool moments, Louisa and her husband lacked any of those moments whatsoever.
  • Her brutal death by the Absolute Solver considered as satisfying to watch instead of sympathetic.
    • On that note, we don't even see her get killed, we just know it happened. So there's hardly any satisfaction to gain from her demise.


  • So far, she and her husband, are the only characters in Murder Drones to be considered as hate sinks.

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