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Lucinda Perryweather (or just simply Lucinda) is the overarching antagonist of the 2004 film Ella Enchanted, an adaptation of the 1997 novel of the same name.

She's a fairy godmother would provides Ella of Frell with a "blessing" to always be obedient to those who give her requests or commands. However, while the novel paints Lucinda as a misguided figure who genuinely wanted what was best for Ella, learned the error of her ways and came to regret her "gift", the film adaptation turns her into a more malevolent figure as she intentionally curses Ella with the obedience spell and is completely apathetic to Ella's suffering.

She was portrayed by Vivica A. Fox.

What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]

  • While Sir Edgar, and Ella's abusive stepfamily are considered to be the antagonists of the film, with the former being more evil than her (considering he killed his own brother (and Prince Char's father) just to ensure he'd continue to be ruler and carry on his reign of tyranny), Edgar's a Card-Carrying Villain who's at least willing to admit he's evil, and both he and the stepfamily are ultimately too comedic and/or entertaining to truly hate. Lucinda, on the other hand, is simply a sassy, callous fairy godmother who continually views herself as a good, loving person, insisting that everyone loves her and her gifts, regardless of whether they're actually good or not, or even cause the godchild to suffer. And when one of her godchildren does suffer, she never takes any responsibility, shows remorse, or even tries to help them. Plus, considering she gets less screentime than any of the aforementioned antagonists, she doesn't really get to showcase entertainment factors.
  • Even before she was involved in Ella's life, she had already gained an infamous reputation as a terrible fairy godmother, by blessing various godchildren terrible gifts, that often became curses. By the events of the film proper, Ella's mother and house fairy Mandy were aware of Lucinda's reputation to the point were they tried to hide Ella away before Lucinda showed up.
  • She's very showy and prideful, considering her arrival had her saying "Hello, ladies!" to Ella's mother and Mandy in a smug tone and she boasts about being excellent, and it's all but stated she had done this several times before. She's also slightly incompetent, considering her entrances tend to involve her falling from the sky ungracefully.
  • She "blesses" baby Ella with the gift of obedience primarily because Lucinda was annoyed by the baby's crying, and wanted to shut her up. And when Mandy rightfully tells Lucinda the gift was terrible and orders her to retract it, Lucinda callously tells Ella's mother and Mandy that she has a "no return" policy, accuses them of being ungrateful, and nearly turns Ella, a baby, into a squirrel. This showcases that Lucinda can't handle even basic criticism, and expects everyone to treat her like she's an angel, making her a narcissist.
  • Her getting peed on by baby Ella is treated as a comedic, yet satisfying moment, due to making the aforementioned threat seconds earlier. The mother even snickers when this happens.
  • Despite knowing she was the only person who could take back her spell on Ella, Lucinda would not only continuedly refuse to do so, despite Ella's mother and Mandy constantly begging her -- and having years, if not decades, to see the error of her ways and take it back -- she even threatened to turn Ella's mother into a squirrel and take away Mandy's eternal youth if they asked her again.
  • Despite her limited screentime, Lucinda's presence can be felt throughout most of the movie, as her "blessing" on Ella would make her indirectly responsible for nearly all of Ella's suffering in the film, such as almost being run over by a cart because she was told to stay on the road, people continually taking advantage of her such as her stepfamily basically turning Ella into a slave, forcing Ella to commit crimes and end her friendship with her best friend, Ogres telling her to be silent and still so she would be unable to resist getting eaten, and Sir Edgar forcing Ella to kill his nephew Prince Char at midnight as a means to keep the throne and not tell anyone about his plan, despite Ella falling in love with him. It got to the point were Ella had Slannen chain her up to a tree, as a means to prevent her from being at the ball and defy her fate.
  • She was kicked out of Dun Flyin Retirement Community for Faeries (for unknown reasons) and when Ella informs the fairy administrator she had to find Lucinda or something terrible would happen, the administrator responds by saying that "finding [Lucinda] would be something terrible." This showcases how the other fairies know about Lucinda's narcissism and callousness and how even they hate her guts.
  • When Lucinda finally interacts with Ella again before the climax (by accident, as Lucinda was intending to go to the salad bar at Brelly's) and sees Ella chained up to a tree, Lucinda doesn't show concern for Ella when the latter explains that she'd be forced to do something horrible to a guy Ella loved thanks to her "gift" (and due to a command from Sir Edgar, Ella couldn't actually tell Lucinda she was being forced to killed Prince Char), with Lucinda smugly claiming that everybody loved her gifts. And when Ella begs Lucinda to take the gift back as a means to save the guy, Lucinda gets offended and angrily tells Ella to get rid of the gift herself, refusing to take any responsibility for Ella's problems.
    • Not only that, she actually frees Ella from the chains and dresses her up for the ball, completely against her wishes. And despite Ella clearly being unhappy, and trying to fight back against Sir Edgar's command, Lucinda once again shows absolutely no concern for Ella's predicament, claiming she (Lucinda) was all "give, give, give", and even has the gall to tell Ella, "You're welcome!", despite her situation. This makes her indirectly responsible for nearly getting Prince Char killed by Ella, and showcases that Lucinda hasn't changed or improved one bit since she "blessed" Ella, and likely never will change or improve.
  • She's never shown getting any lasting punishments, or comeuppance not only for how she treated Ella throughout the film, but for any of her past godchildren who likely received "blessings" that are just as bad, if not worse, than Ella's. For all we know, she's probably continuing to "bless" godchildren, and causing lots of additional suffering.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Camp Bullies | Rex Pester | Coco Labouche | Iron-Masked Marauder | Alphonse Perrier du von Scheck | Nick Vermicelli | Sloan Blackburn | Bree Blackburn | Dag | Vincent | Gladys Sharp | Sir Lancelot | Makunga | Derek Dietl | Tortoise John (All Versions) | Sentinel Prime | Darkwing

Live-Action Features
Norma Bates | Frank | Aarfy | Noah Cross | Francesco Ciccio | Gordon Stuart | Attila Mellanchini | Bytes | Jim Renshaw | Major Arnold Ernst Toht | Satipo | Bytes | Chief Guard | Eh Tar | Mrs. Dribb | Frank Nitti | Ellis DeWald | King Edward I of England | Casanova | Kurt Bozwell | Caldeon Hockley | April Smuntz | Phil Fimple | Steamboat Willie | Joseph Campbell | The Snowplow Man | Larry Quinn | Henry Gates | Owen Davian | Denlinger | Rasputia Latimore | Stranz Van Waldenberg | Fairchild Van Waldenberg | Darren MacElroy | Assef | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Adolfo Pirelli | Jonas Fogg | Alex Goran | Taylor | Paul Smith | Zartan | George Harvey | Vanessa | Kenny | Alexander Marcus | Harold Attinger | King Cotys | Reece Tenneson | Burke | Alejandro Gutierrez | Craig Grummond | Judge Julius Hoffman | Zac Tieran | Richie Kirsch | Amber Freeman | Vince Schneider | Jason Carvey | Frankie | JĆ¼rgen Voller | Klaber | Attila Mellanchini

Animated Television
Todd Ianuzzi | Pang Bing

Live-Action Television
David Brown | Dr. Georgina Orwell | Aarfy | Carl Buford | Clark Preston | Jerry Tidwell | J.B. Allen | Pete Whipple

See Also
13 Reasons Why Hate Sinks | 20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Amblin Entertainment Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Nickelodeon Hate Sinks | Pannonia Film Studio Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks
