Hate Sink Wiki
Percy Wetmore Horrified

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Magentark Clover is the unseen posthumous overarching antagonist of the Inkopolis Chaos Trilogy. He was Cyalux's older brother, who appeared as a nice guy, but is really just a crazy inkling who probably wanted to cause more conflict. We don’t know much about him, but his little stunt caused almost all the events of the story.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • It isn't even confirmed that he cares for Cyalux.
  • Unlike Cyalux, he hasn’t got a good reason to hate octolings. In fact, why he hates them so much is unknown, so it’s possible he’s just a bigoted racist who hates for no reason.
  • He gaslighted Cyalux about octolings constantly, lying to him about them, and it caused Cyalux to turn into the villain he is after his death.
  • He stole a new weapon, and framed Natalie for it, causing her to live homeless and on the run for a year, which was agonising for her.
  • With the new weapon he stole, he attempted to mass murder innocent octolings just because he hated them.
  • Even in death, his lies got into Cyalux’s head, so Cyalux believed that Ruby was at fault 100% for his death, and as a result, Cyalux went to found the Octobusters, a racist villainous organisation, which ended up in Cyalux betraying his two best friends, and causing massive unrest in the city, with countless octoling kidnappings, all because of his lies. Not only that, but Ruby blames herself for Cyalux’s descent into villainy, which damaged her mental state irreversibly, even though it is 100% Magentark’s fault.
  • Even if he isn’t seen physically, his actions have a massive impact and are essential to the plot.
  • He lacks any clear redeeming qualities, and has no comedic traits, unlike his brother who has many redeeming and comedic qualities.


           Nintendo Logo Hate Sinks

Foreman Spike | Valentina | Grubba | Luigi’s Bully

The Legend of Zelda
Sakon | Astor (The Legend of Zelda)

Deathborn | Blood Falcon

Live A Live
Odie O'Bright | Streibough

Star Fox
Pigma Dengar

Advance Wars
Admiral Greyfield

Xenoblade Chronicles
Lorithia | Gael'gar
Bana | Dr. Castrofari | Prince Zettar | Gort
Consul D | Consul F | Shania's Mother

Dragalia Lost
Loki | Gustav | Thanatos | Augus | Werner

Famicom Detective Club
Tokube Ayashiro | Akira Ayashiro | Genjiro Kaneda | Goro Kaneda | Mr. Tsuzuki

Elysium Ablaze
Dreyfus | Daimler | Norton | Adira | Wally

Francis | Team Killer Ink Leader | Puzzlebox Kids Subscribers | Evelyn Claythorne

Jack Gladio | Magentark Clover | Scarlet Spiker | Turbo Mecha Sonic | Lewis Coltrane | Crimson Flare | Orca and Obito | Commander Tartar (14-CRUSH, Crossroads Trip Roleplay Server) | NerdAJ | Bit Games/Lucinda | Wario (Cursed Cap Saga) | Bowser (Age Of Wario) | Mephistopheles (Mario & Luigi: Darkest Timeline) | Mario (Luigi's Nightmare) | SMG4 Mario (All Day All Plush) | Dimentio (Super Paper Mario 2: The Seven Sorcerers) | Greyface | Shiver (It's all about Shiver) | Zykan | Basilisx | Zelus (SMG4) | ᗩᖇT̴̩͝𝓗U̵Ṛ̶̈́ | Wilbur Wahoo | Riba Aduraice | Evie Aduraice | Birino and Eva Evangelisti | Rosalina (The Koopa Kids) | Talking Flower (Doogtoons) | Bella Wonder

See Also
Dragalia Lost Hate Sinks | EarthBound Hate Sinks | Fire Emblem Hate Sinks | The Legend of Zelda Hate Sinks | Pokémon Hate Sinks | Splatoon Hate Sinks | Super Mario Hate Sinks | Xenoblade Hate Sinks
