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Major Pa Tee Tint is the main antagonist of Rambo IV.

He was portrayed by Maung Maung Khin.

What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]

  • He is responsible for massacring multiple Burmese villages.
  • He made people run across a field of landmines only to kill those who survived anyway.
  • He is a pedophile, raping a little boy.
  • Unlike the other Rambo antagonists, his crimes aren't depicted in a grandiose way. Any potential evil is cool moments are subverted when he abandons his own army, making him a coward.
  • His death is played for satisfaction.
  • Not even his acting earns him any Love to Hate factors. Unlike the other antagonists, who were given acting performances that were over the top or charismatic, the acting for him ranges from subpar to really bad (Though that might be due to his actor's lack of experience).
  • His death is the definition of pathetic, with him getting stabbed in the gut and doing nothing but stare at Rambo for 12 seconds until Rambo disembowels him. Even Hugo Martinez growled at Rambo in his final moments.