Hate Sink Wiki

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Come and get me, you crippled bitch!
~ The Man as he escapes the private lot of the Junior Gym.

The Man is the titular main antagonist of the 2020 short horror film Stuck.

He is an unnamed man that invades a junior gym in order to arouse himself while watching young girls performing gymnastics. One day, he meets with the coach of one particular group of girls that he planned to watch over, and insults her over her disability. When he sneaks into the gym, he hides under a crash mat, which the coach traps him under.

He was portrayed by Davey Johnson.

What Makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • First and foremost, the Man is portrayed as being a twisted sexual predator. The reason the Man goes to the junior gym is to watch all of the underaged female gymnasts, who are all implied to be under sixteen, and some of which are implied to be actual children, performing gymnastics and arousing himself to it.
  • The short film also portrays him as being conniving and dishonest. In order to go to the junior gym, he decided to skip a day at work, faking his illness on the phone. The film also implies that he has done this several times before.
    • In addition, when he is introduced, he lies to the coach, saying that the reason why he decided to go to the junior gym was because he wanted to meet with his daughter. The coach points out how she saw him the previous day, and how there would be a different set of girls today. The Man simply replies to this with "Well, that's just stupid", and taunts the coach by pretending to attack her.
  • As he escapes from the private parking lot, the Man mocks the coach's disability, calling her a "crippled bitch". As the short film is in part about the Coach working her job, and the short film shows her succeeding in using the mini-tramp to later trample on him, both in spite of her disability, this is obviously portrayed in a negative light.
  • The Man is also shown to be hypocritical, as a bumper sticker on his car reads "Real Men Love Jesus". This is despite the fact that his worst crime in the film is arousing himself to underaged girls.
  • Even though the Man's eventual fate was torturous, any potential sympathy towards him is void due to the above reasons, combined with the fact that he broke into the gym multiple times.