Hate Sink Wiki

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Maria Burns is the true antagonist of a gacha series, The Morningstar Saga. She serves as a minor antagonist of Revenge of the Darkness, secondary antagonist of MLP x Gacha Heroes, one of the three main antagonists in Revenge of the Darkness 2: The Apocalypse and the main antagonist of it's third and final sequel, Revenge of the Darkness 3: The End.

She is the true mastermind behind all of the events in the Morningstar Saga and caused many impacts on Zorgo and his friends, although originally a kind and loving person before betraying and becoming a sadistic and power hungry demon to take over the universe as her own.

She is one of the three devil's children alongside her sister Madlyin Burns and Carlton Hunter, who all gathered to overthrow the Courier to take over his kingdom and destroy the universe. She alongside her sister caused Zorgo to be become traumatized and paranoid to friends thus making his curse worse.

What makes her a Hate Sink?[]

  • Although she was originally a kind-hearted person who tragically killed by Gyro and revived, however, upon having her memories back, she subverted all of her redeeming qualities and become a sadistic demon who lusts for power.
  • While her backstory of being abandoned by Rod forever could've make her sympathetic, however, it's no longer played for sympathy when she subverted this tragedy and only wanted to kill Rod out of sadism.
  • In the past, she, along her sister, murdered their family for a ritual sacrifice.
  • She indirectly caused all of the events in the story, sending multiple demons and villains to destroy the cities.
  • Planned to take over the Courier's kingdom alongside Carlton, Shalltear and Madlyin to make the universe as her own.
  • Attempted to use Zorgo's friends as a sacrifice to become more stronger.
  • Mind-breaking the gang out of spite to taunt Zorgo (especially Rod), and reminded him about his past.
  • Caused Zorgo to become more traumatized by sending him into a endless spiral to torture him with hologram verisons of his friends and having them saying "YOU ARE AN IDIOT!!" to him repeatedly.
  • Never cared about her allies' deaths and not even her own sister as she only used her for her plans.


  • There were theories about Maria being Lyra, in amnesiac period, where Lyra was a fan of Rod and in love with him however once she regained her memories, it went ambiguous what else could've happened, and another theory where she possessed Lyra who pretended to be the same as the other theory however she would later try to get revenge on him as did her final counterpart, yet none of these were to be confirmed canon. If they were however, her amnesiac state would be different, while her possession state would've make Maria worse.

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