Hate Sink Wiki
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Anyway, I told em, you bring her over to me, I don't care if she's fourteen, I like her boobs.
~ Marty Jay Williams bragging about his crimes to his men.

Martin "Marty" Jay Williams is a supporting antagonist in the 2006 video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories, the tenth installment of the Grand Theft Auto franchise.

He is the racist redneck leader of the Trailer Park Mafia in Vice City, Florida around the early 1980s. Williams is married to Phil Cassidy's sister Louise, with whom he has a daughter, but he isn't an affectionate nor caring husband on the contrary, Marty savagely abuses Louise and is willing to hurt her as long that means profit for him.

He was voiced by Jim Burke.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He raped a fourteen year old girl because he liked her breasts.
  • Impregnated his girlfriend Louise Cassidy, then forced her to quit her studies, while showing no love towards her or their daughter, constantly giving death threats or insults.
  • When Victor Vance comes to meet him, Marty orders Louise to clean up their trailer and when she says that she didn't clean up because Mary-Beth was sick, Marty threatens to hit the two of them.
  • Broke his business partnership with Umberto Robina and formed his own gang.
  • Hired Victor to steal vehicles, killing Cholos and ruining his rival businesses, while having him to protect his brothel out of pragmatism.
  • Recruited some men to hurt Louise if she ever returns to his trailer when she returns to retrieve some money.
  • His death is pretty much well-deserved, no matter how Victor killed him.
  • He is overall a terrible and abusive father towards his family, a horrible crime lord, and a repulsive human being with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.


  • If one were to follow the chronological order of the GTA Universe, this would make Marty Jay Williams the very first Hate Sink from the 3D Universe who is also Pure Evil, assuming that Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories takes place in 1984.

External Links[]


           RockstarGamesLogo Hate Sinks

Grand Theft Auto
2D Universe
Samuel Deever | Claude Speed
3D Universe
Catalina | Sonny Forelli | Lance Vance | Frank Tenpenny | Eddie Pulaski | OG Loc | King Courtney | Vincenzo Cilli | Mrs. Cipriani | Leon McAffrey | Jerry Martinez | Marty Jay Williams
HD Universe
Dimitri Rascalov | Vlad Glebov | Playboy X | Francis McReary | Eddie Low | Mr. McReary | Billy Grey | Brian Jeremy | Ray Boccino | Ray Bulgarin | Rocco Pelosi | Timur | Vince Pelosi | Mori Kibbutz | Evan Moss | Zhou Ming | Devin Weston | Steve Haines | Stretch | Aunt Denise | Fabien LaRouche | Dr. Friedlander | Peter Dreyfuss | Jackson Skinner

Lionel Starkweather | Ramirez | Leo Kasper | Dr. Pickman

Gary Smith | Mr. Hattrick | Mr. Burton | Lola Lombardi

Max Payne
Nicole Horne | B.B

L.A Noire
Harlan J. Fontaine | Roy Earle | Garret Mason | Marlon Hopgood | Eli Rooney | Grosvenor McCaffrey

Red Dead
Governor Griffon | General Diego | Colonel Darren | Udo Kang
Edgar Ross | Bill Williamson | Agustin Allende | Vincente De Santa | Randall Forrester | Mario Alcalde | Micah Bell | Leviticus Cornwall | O'Driscoll Boys (Colm O'Driscoll) | Angelo Bronte | Alberto Fussar | Colonel Henry Favours | Edmund Lowry Jr. | Murfree Brood | Night Folk | Skinner Brothers (Otis Skinner) | Emmet Granger | Jim "Boy" Calloway | General Quincy T. Harris | Mr. Gillis | Norris Forsythe | Micah Bell's gang
