Hate Sink Wiki

Marvolo Gaunt was an ignorant old git who lived like a pig, all he cared about was his ancestry. If that ring had been passed down through the centuries, he might not have known what it really was. There were no books in that house, and trust me, he wasn't the type to read fairy tales to his kids. He'd have loved to think the scratches on the stone were a coat of arms, because as far as he was concerned, having pure blood made you practically royal.
~ Harry Potter, on Marvolo Gaunt's behavior and his inherited ring.

Marvolo Gaunt is a minor antagonist from the Harry Potter series. He was the maternal grandfather of Tom Marvolo Riddle, later known as Lord Voldemort, and a violent wizard who believed in pure-blood supremacy and had two children, a son named Morfin and a daughter named Merope, the latter of whom he abused out of his hatred for females.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • It's heavily implied that he murdered his wife out of his misogyny.
  • He strongly believed in pure-blood supremacy and took excessive pride in being a descendant of Salazar Slytherin. Harry says nothing matters to him except for his ancestry and he is indifferent about everything else in the world, which is not even remotely untrue.
  • He had a vicious nature, using violence against many who he felt contempt for, including Merope, Muggles and Ministry of Magic officials.
    • He frequently abused Merope, physically and verbally, for her poor magic skills, and tried to strangle her when he learned she was in love with the Muggle Tom Riddle Sr. (which led to his and Morfin's arrests).
    • He defied the Ministry's laws due to his arrogance by using magic in front of Muggles, and violently resisted arrest.
  • He is so disgusting that his hair is filthy to the point Harry doesn't know what his hair color even is at all as dirt and grease and grime coat every hair on his head and it's one of the first things Harry notices about him.
  • He is so immature that he calls Bob Ogden a "Mudblood" despite Ogden's blood status being completely unknown.
  • He's extremely hypocritical on a number of levels.
  • His actions ultimately led to the rise and terror of Lord Voldemort, whom his daughter gave birth to.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Both Continuities: Vernon Dursley | Marge Dursley | Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle | Pansy Parkinson | Gilderoy Lockhart | Cornelius Fudge | Dolores Umbridge | Rita Skeeter | Walden Macnair | Antonin Dolohov | Corban Yaxley | Cormac McLaggen | Mary Lou Barebone | Corvus Lestrange | Skender | Anton Vogel | Walburga Black | Henry Shaw Jr. | Mr Borgin

Book Only: Bellatrix Lestrange | Fenrir Greyback | Zacharias Smith | Marvolo Gaunt | Millicent Bullstrode

Film Only: Quirinus Quirrell | Marcus Flint | Peter Pettigrew

Other: Gormlaith Gaunt | Patricia Rakepick | Renka Rabblehouser | Apolonia Black | Kazuhiro Shiratori | Raczidian | Cecil Lee | Victor Rookwood | Ferdinand Octavious Pratt | Theophilus Harlow | Victor Gridley | Bly | Emily Tyler

Sabbat members (Firebird's Son)

The Dursleys (Helluva Wizard) | Lord Voldemort (Percy Jackson And The Horror Within) | Gregor Clegane (Patroni In Winterfell) | The Dursleys (The Nightmare Before Hogwarts) | Dolores Umbridge (My Little HetaStuck MSTs) | Dolores Umbridge (Mutant Storm) | Magical Britain (Mutant Storm) | The Dursleys (Mutant Storm) | Zachary Zatara (Harry Potter and the Guardian's Light) | Nandita/Jinx (Harry Potter and the Guardian's Light) | Director Manning (Harry Potter and the Guardian's Light) | Igor (Harry Potter and the Guardian's Light) | Carol (The Magic of Torchwood) | Dolores Umbridge (The Magic of Torchwood) | Sancho Pansy (Madame Malfoy Or A Forced Marriage) | The Local Traveler (The Lone Traveler) | Hondo Marukai (Little Black Death Note) | Bor Burison (The Lightning Strike) | Hela (The Lightning Strike) | Dolores Umbridge (Last Mage of Krypton) | Flora and Hestia Carrow (Last Mage of Krypton) | Vernon Dursley (Last Mage of Krypton) | Petunia Dursley (Last Mage of Krypton) | Dudley Dursley (Life's Curse, Death's Gift) | Vernon Dursley (The Last Seidr)
