Hate Sink Wiki

They've always been ugly. It's not my fault that they live in a place that stinks of fish oil and tar. Jobs, shelter, food, that’s all they ever bleat about.
~ This line tells us everything we need to know about the Master of Laketown.

The Master of Laketown is a minor antagonist in Sir Peter Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy, serving as a major antagonist in The Desolation Of Smaug and a minor antagonist in the opening of The Battle Of The Five Armies.

He is the extremely slovenly, greedy, and utterly useless dictator of Laketown until his callous actions led to the evil Smaug awakening and the dragon's corpse crushing him into oblivion.

He was portrayed by Stephen Fry.

What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]

  • He is a despot who selfishly controls Laketown and its resources, starving the people and having anything but their best interests in mind. He is also a gluttonous jerk (with atrocious table manners to boot) in spite of this and it's helped his extremely unattractive physical appearance; all while he thinks Bard takes after his so-called athleticism.
  • His behavior is very narcissistic and childish for practically all of his screen time.
  • He agreed to let Thorin and his Company take back Erebor only because it would bring them more gold. It's also very dangerous because the dragon Smaug lives there, and results in him attacking Laketown when he learns that they funded the dwarves' mission. This directly causes the Master's much-deserved comeuppance when Smaug's corpse falls on top of him.
  • Although Alfrid is protective of him, he cares nothing for him and eventually betrays him by shoving him into the water.
  • He assaulted and arrested Bard while he was being chased by his minions, locking him up for no apparent reason. This also put Bard's family in danger of being killed by Smaug.
  • He is even vile compared to his deputy:
    • Whereas much of Alfrid's behavior is emulating his boss for approval, all of the Master's behavior is simply being a greedy and simpleminded tyrant simply for the sake of being one.
    • Alfrid is at least somewhat smart and clever while the Master has a very simple mind.
    • Alfrid has a couple of redeeming qualities, given how he even asks him if they should save the town but he demands to save the gold instead. Even then Alfrid tries to let a random man into his lifeboat. But the Master predictably makes Alfrid stop it.
    • His cowardice transcends Alfrid's, as he whimpers like a toddler when the dwarves say Kili is sick, babbling about him potentially being contagious while Alfrid protectively shadows him and quips about not being a sentient hospital.
    • While Alfrid is on his feet out and about getting stuff done, the Master lays around in his offices stuffing his face and ignoring his peoples' suffering just because he can. He even has the sheer audacity to claim he's not to blame for their crappy living conditions.
  • He has no redeeming qualities whatsoever, merely being a selfish and useless pig with absolutely nothing to detract from it.


  • Given that Saruman the White is protected by "Word of God" and an "Evil is Cool" vibe is first added to him come a 2014 prequel and Azog the Defiler, Gothmog, and Smaug were always "Evil is Cool" villains, and Alfrid Lickspittle, Wormtongue, and Denethor have a couple of redeeming qualities (namely having superficial concern for their people and loving Boromir) and Bolg and the Witch-King of Angmar are far too one-dimensional and the Mouth of Sauron has an awesome aesthetic, the Master of Laketown, who is not remotely badass and hasn't redeeming qualities and has the screenwriters going out of their way to flesh out his jackassery, is arguably the franchise's most punchable character of all, and with only a handful of screentime to boot.


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Live-Action Features
O-Dog | Chauncey | Tat Lawson | The Carjackers | Sea Bass | Shinnok | Shao Kahn | Cameron Alexander | Dr. Zachary Smith | Deacon Frost | Jack Shepard | Fulton Greenway | Alex | Eric | Sheriff Hoyt | Denethor | Mouth of Sauron | Eddie Kim | Freddy Krueger | Master of Laketown | Alfrid Lickspittle | Bathsheba Sherman | Valak | Diana Walter | Trevor Olson | It | Patrick Hockstetter | Alvin Marsh | Tom Rogan | Claire Wyden | Brett and Burke Breyer

Shao Kahn (Victar's Series)

See Also
Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks | WingNut Films Hate Sinks

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Animated Features
Angelo Corleone | Jenner | Dr. Boycott | William Harbottle | Mok Swagger | What's Her Face | Drake | King Malbert | Lord Piggot-Dunceby

Live-Action Features
Miss Almira Gulch | General Mireau | Emilio Largo | El Indio | President Curval | The Duke | Attila Mellanchini | Chris Hargensen | Hugo Drax | Alan Yates' Crew (Alan Yates, Jack Anders & Mark Tomaso) | Art Galt | Peter Silberman | Max Zorin | Bunny | Junior | Richard Jones | Clarence Boddicker | Franz Sanchez | Luther | Rachel Bitterman | Kesslee | Mason Verger | Mark Bing | Eric Stark | Georges Rutaganda | Herod Sayle | Constance Lenz | Pip Everett | Vladis Grutas | Water Street Butcher | Dr. Samuel Loomis | Ronnie White | Noel Kluggs | Kendall Jacks | Mrs. Carmody | Brent Norton | Jim Grondin | General Medrano | Master of Laketown | Alfrid Lickspittle | Lord Cotys | Bartholomew Bogue | Arthur Savage | Shane | Gabe | Logan Ash | Valdo Obruchev

Live-Action Television
Joseph Crackstone | Esther Sinclair

Butch | Gal Cat

Chris Hargensen (A light in the darkness trilogy)

See Also
20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Buena Vista International Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Lantern Entertainment Hate Sinks | Netflix Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks

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Animated Features
Mouth of Sauron | Mr. Swackhammer | Ruber | Kent Mansley | Mayor Phlegmming | Maudeline and Finis Everglot | Barkis Bittern | Eddy's Brother | Surtr | Simon Cowell

Live-Action Features
Bytes | Jim Renshaw | Agamemnon | Adam Sutler | Adolfo Pirelli | Ahk-Ton | Alfrid Lickspittle | Alvin Marsh | Anatoli Knyazev | Andy Viktorson | Andrei Sator | Angelique Bouchard | Anthony Lilliman | Antoine Rotelli | Arjen Rudd | Art Land | Arjen Rudd | Baron Vladimir Harkonnen | Barry the Chink | Bathsheba Sherman | Beadle Bamford | Bishop of Aquila | Barty Crouch Jr. | Brett and Burke Breyer | Bogs Diamond | Bobby Earl Ferguson | Bullies | Byron Hadley | Claire Wyden | Campbell Morris | Captain Vidal | Carl Grissom | Carmine Falcone | Carnegie | Cashier | Cypher Reagan | Detective Leon Vaughn | DeSaad | Diana Walter | Doc | Dolores Umbridge | Dominique Blatt | Door Gunner | Dorothy Wheeler | Dr. Jonas Miller | Dwight Hansen | Duncan Taylor | Eddie (Batman) | Elmo Blatch | Erich Ludendorff | Frank | Freddy Krueger | Gary Taylor | Gilderoy Lockhart | Glenn Norris | Gmork | Grand High Witch | Griggs | Immortan Joe | Incubus | Jonas Fogg | Josh | Judge Turpin | Leonard Dekkom | Lewis Prothero | Longhaired Mugger | Ludlow | Marge Dursley | Martin Asher | Master of Laketown | Mary Lou Barebone | Max Eckhardt | Maxie Dean | Mick | Miss Almira Gulch | Mitch Williams | Mr. Sivana | Murray Franklin | Nick (Batman) | Orvax Marius | Overlook Hotel | Pa Harris | Paige Prescott | Patrick Hockstetter | Pazuzu | Penny Fleck | Percy Wetmore | Peter Creedy | Peter Pettigrew | Peter Silberman | Peter & Paul | Quirinus Quirrell | Ruby Deagle | Rude Gambler | Samuel Norton | Sarah Dean | Scarlett Beauregarde | Scorpio | Scrappy-Doo | Shao Kahn | Shelby Cummings | Shere Khan | Shinnok | Shinpei Kujo | Sid Sivana | Snakebite Andi | Sophie Oseransky | Stevie (The Banana Splits Movie) | Andy (The Banana Splits Movie) | Mitch Williams (The Banana Splits Movie) | Sue Ann Norris | Toecutter | The Enchantress | The True Knot | Thomas Wayne | Trevor Olson | William Wharton | Vernon Dursley | Scott | Marshall Riggs | Mrs. Krill | Harley Quinn | Jackie Sullivan

Animated Television
Agent Trout | Airachnid (Transformers) | Anthony Ivo | Cruel Veterinarian | Debbie Shirley | Dick Hardly | Elf Doctor | Femme Fatale | Harlequin | Lex Luthor | Mad Dog | Major Man | Malchior | Mike and Sharon Quinzel | Mike Brikowski | Numbuh 363 | Parasite | Princess Morbucks | Sam Spangles | Sedusa | Sheriff Earl Cogburn | Stanley and Sandra Practice | The Fluffy Bunch | Winterbolt | Val-Yor | Victoria Jones

Live-Action Television
Euron Greyjoy | Henry Bowers | Joffrey Baratheon | Meryn Trant | Overlook Hotel | Polliver | Richie Aprile | The Thinker | Theo Galavan | White Dragon | Zack Powers

Video Games
Amanda Waller | Harley Quinn | John & Patricia Vale | Riddler | Thomas Wayne | Wonder Woman

Bizarre | Chloe | Ebon | Shao Kahn (Victar's Series)

See Also
Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Buena Vista International Hate Sinks | Disney Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Lantern Entertainment Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Miramax Hate Sinks | New Line Cinema Hate Sinks | Netflix Hate Sinks | Pannonia Film Studio Hate Sinks | Paramount Hate Sinks | Rankin/Bass Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | WingNut Films Hate Sinks Harry Potter Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks

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Live-Action Features
Bletch | Samantha | Sebastian | Trevor | Vera Cosgrove | Uncle Les | Patricia Bradley | Johnny Bartlett | Denethor | Mouth of Sauron | Koobus Venter | George Harvey | Master of Laketown | Alfrid Lickspittle

See Also
DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | New Line Cinema Hate Sinks | Paramount Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks
