Hate Sink Wiki

Matt was the main protagonist of the story In the Flesh from the book Fazbear Frights #5: Bunny Call. He was a video game developer who was developing the game Five Nights at Freddy's: Springtrap's Revenge. He was a very selfish and sexist jerk who notices that Springtrap, the main antagonist of the game he was making, was acting strangely.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He was a very selfish jerk and constantly belittled the people around him. For example, he believed that eating spaghetti instead of more obscure Italian foods such as osso buco is being unsophisticated.
  • He was very immature and made stupid mistakes when he gets angry. For example, when he got mad when losing to Springtrap in the game (keep in mind the game is supposed to be hard) he decided to program Springtrap in a certain way to waste the character's time all night. This ended up causing Springtrap to glitch out in a way that ended up destroying his A.I which caused Matt to program a new A.I that ended up being sloppy due to it being rushed.
  • When he was married with his ex-wife Hannah, he preferred to devote his time to himself rather than to her and whenever Hannah wanted to start a family, Matt would dodge the question rather than talk with her. This caused a strain in their relationship and when Hannah wanted to go to marriage counseling Matt refused, causing them to divorce only one year into their marriage. He also cheated on Hannah with a server at their favorite restaurant.
  • He was very misogynistic and only dates women for their bodies such as when he told Hannah that she would no longer look pretty if she had a baby. He often has negative thoughts about women's bodies as well.
  • When he went on a double date with Eva and Jason and Meghan, he massively preferred Meghan over Eva. He didn't even notice Eva when they first met and at the restaurant, he though Eva was beneath him for ordering spaghetti and drinking wine. He also only talked about himself and about how "great" he was and never let Jason talk. When Jason and Eva went to the bathroom, he decided to hit on Meghan which caused him to be harshly rejected and storm out of the restaurant while refusing to pay for his share out of petty spite.
  • This is a bit minor, but he sometimes ate like a slob in public when he was hungry and thought of table etiquette as pointless. This is shown on a date where he ate a steak without using a fork or knife causing his date to leave him.
  • When his boss, Gary, told him to do his best while working on the game in response to the bad programming, he yelled at him showing he can't take criticism for his own mistakes.
  • When Jason decided to move out of his apartment due to finding out about the Meghan incident, he gave a fake apology and even mocked him for preferring personality over looks.
  • He cried due to the fact that a lot of people are cutting him off and due to his work criticism and instead of realizing what a jerk he was, he blamed everyone for not appreciating his genius showing he can't admit fault for his actions.
  • When on a date with another girl named Emma, he saw she was fatter than she looked in her photo and decided to not date her because of that. Hypocritically, he was also fatter in his own profile and lambasted Emma, Emma in turn, called out his hypocrisy which caused Matt to leave the bar they were at.
  • While there have been other problematic Fazbear Frights protagonists such as Alec or Devon, they at least had some redeeming or sympathetic qualities that prevent them from being Hate Sinks, while Matt doesn't. He doesn't realize how much of a jerk he was like Alec or has a Freudian Excuse like Devon. The only redeeming quality he might have is that he did genuinely care for his friend Jason (he felt somewhat bad for not letting him get a moment to speak at the restaurant, didn't want him to leave his apartment and had some fun times hanging out with him) but that is overshadowed by how much of a toxic friend he was.


  • He and Jessica are the only Fazbear Frights protagonists to be a Hate Sink.

External Links[]

  • Matt on Five Nights at Freddy's Wiki


            Hate Sinks

Bill A. | Chica's Magic Rainbow

Fazbear Frights: Kasey's Mother | Matt | Myron | Lewis | Jessica | Brittany | Melissa Chandler
Tales from the Pizzaplex: Nolan | Tate | Zabrina Zee | Mr. Burrows | Drew | Joel
2023 Film Novelization: William Afton

Aunt Jane

William Afton
Fanfiction: Mike's New Ghostly Family | Save Them | Schlouden06
Web Videos: FNaF VHS
Other: Divergence | Legacy of Fright | FNaF Movie | Keksz1234

AIEchidna: Freddy Fazbear | Creation
3X3: Golden Freddy
Desolation: Roselle
Snonk's Fnafverse: The Shadow
Soul: Scott | The Marionette

Five Nights at Candy's: The Rat
Five Nights at Treasure Island: MOTHER
The Return to Freddy's: Torture Device

Web Videos
An Undeniably Canon Five Nights at Freddy's Timeline: The Child
Complete Backstory of Five Nights at Freddy's: John Smith and Abel Hynes
GTAGAMER222: Billy Micah | Corbin Ryeburn | Max The Nightmare Puppet
SuperMarioLogan's FNAF series: Mr. Winkle

The Four Parts: Vincent Afton
NoEntertainment16: Bob Afton
Heterochromatic: Henry Emily
Opposite Nightclub: Yuki O'Hara
