Hate Sink Wiki

Mean Fluttershy is a minor antagonist in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, first appeared in the episode "The Mean 6" as the secondary antagonist, alongside the other Mean Six. Mean Fluttershy is a mean clone who was made by Queen Chrysalis. She is also an enemy to the Mane Six, especially Fluttershy.

Like her original counterpart, she was voiced by Andrea Libman.

What makes her a Hate Sink?[]

  • She's basically the same as Fluttershy when she was under Discord's brainwashing.
  • Like the other Mean Six, she was tasked by Queen Chrysalis to retrieve the Elements of Harmony.
  • Kicks dirt in Mean Pinkie's face and claims it to be her "worst day ever".
  • When she was approaching a little pink bird, she cruelly mocks it when it fell and got lost when it tried to fly out to the nest and told it to walk away.
  • Terrorizes the animals by cruelly frightening them, leading every animal to blame the real Fluttershy after she left.
  • Alongside the other Mean Six, she participates in demolishing the Mane Six's campsite by destroying their tents.
  • She and the other Mean Six agreed with Mean Twilight's suggestion of betraying Queen Chrysalis once they get their hooves on the Elements of Harmony.
  • Purposefully trips Mean Rarity when she tried to reach for the Element of Generosity diamond and claimed that she's never sorry at all, leading them to start fighting.

External links[]


            Hate Sinks

Generation Four
Friendship is Magic
Prince Blueblood | Suri Polomare | Wind Rider | Spoiled Rich | Svengallop | Professor Flintheart | Zesty Gourmand | Gladmane | The Expert Ponies | Sludge | Mean Six (Mean Fluttershy | Mean Applejack | Mean Rarity | Mean Rainbow Dash)

Equestria Girls
Principal Cinch | Filthy Rich

Pseudocorns | King Diomedes | Blonn Di and Shining Light

Mane Six
Twilight Sparkle: Luster's Last Lesson | Terror in Equestria
Pinkie Pie: Cupcakes | Starlight and The Cupcake Factory | Le Petite Four
Rainbow Dash: If I Can't Have My Dream, You Can't Either
Applejack: Apple Family Horror
Fluttershy: Starlight and The Cupcake Factory
Rarity: TBA

Starlight Glimmer: A Lyre's Song | The Friendship Test
Minuette: The Last Appointment | Just Another Rat | The Last Hearts and Hooves Day | Violent Night, Oh Bloody Night!
Cheerilee: Cheerilee's Garden | Justice is Served | Cheerilee's Garden: A Metallic Touch
Diamond Tiara: Carving Too Deep | Pony Psychology
Others: Princess Luna (Cheerilee's Garden/Scarlett Harvest)
Amdusias/The Thunder Demon/The Duke of Inferno (The Rose of Life) | Amethyst Star (Violent Night, Oh Bloody Night!) | Sherlock Hooves (Cheerilee's Garden) | Cherry Blossom (Rainbow Savior) | Gilda (Rainbow Savior) | Filthy Rich (An Apple Sleep Experiment) | Lyra Heartstrings (The Last Appointment) | Sauvignon Rouge | Mr. Shy (Silent Ponyville Chronicles) | Nightmare Moon (Shattered Moon) | Daybreaker (Shattered Moon) | Octavia's Parents (A Puppet To Her Fame) | Cozy Glow's Parents (Saving Cozy) | Pokey Pierce (Popped) - by Tapoff | Spoiled Rich (In Our House) - by Waxworks | Voron Scratch (Vampiolence) | Fu Ling (RainbowDoubleDash's Lunaverse) | Suri Polomare (The Curse of Slendermane) | Screwball/Topsy Turvy (Pony Psychology) | Dr. Jacqueline Dionna Reitman (The Conversion Bureau: The Other Side of the Spectrum) | Rarity's Former Boyfriend | Swift Strike (What You are Meant to Be/Picking Up the Pieces) | Prince Jewelius (Loved and Lost) | Dr. Caballeron (Daring to Change) | Plague (The Six Winged Serpent) | Ace Swift (Turnabout Storm) | Stygian (Into the Mirror World) | Unnamed Reporter (Twilight's Bureaucracy) | Sod (Twilight's Bureaucracy) | Nosey/Smiles (Fluttershy's Night Out) | Summer Camp Colts (Why Am I Crying?) | Green and Shady Daze (Why Am I Crying?) | Captain Ironhoof (What Hath Joined Together) | Anon (The Last Draconequus) | Prince Blueblood (A Knight To Remember) | Prince Blueblood (The Weedverse - by Kudzuhaiku) | Amadeus Blueblood/Prince Blueblood's Father (The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle) | The Slavers (The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle) | Lake Orchestra (Silent Crusaders)

Starlight and The Cupcake Factory
Pinkie Pie | Party Favor | Fluttershy | Limestone Pie

Fall of Starfleet, Rebirth of Friendship
Grand Ruler Celesto | Rhymey

The Liar
Night Mare | Trixie Lulamoon's Father | Orphanage Foals (Snowbank, Peach Blossom) | The Matron

The Flash Sentry Chronicles
Principal Cinch | Dark Mist | Shadow Corrupter's Parents | Haut Monde

Ask A Pony
Braeburn (Ask Crapplejack) | Vicegerent Zathir (from Ask Genie Twlilight) | Malakhar Manat (from Ask Genie Twlilight) | Cozy Glow (Ask Genie Twilight)

The Nuptialverse
Sunset Shimmer | Lightning Dust | Olive Branch | Discord | Sue/Pinkie Pie's Mother | Speedy Delivery/Scootaloo's Father | Prince Blueblood

Loona's Parents (My Little Loona) | Cozy Glow's Aunt & Uncle (My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic With Reiner and Bertholdt) | Silver (My Little PokƩmon) | Spoiled Rich (Danganronpa: In Harmony's Wake) | The Dazzlings (Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship) | Tad and Chad (Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship) | Gary and Betty (Equestria Girls: A Fairly Odd Friendship) | Khanax (from Star Wars EQG) | Elise's parents/Don and Elise Sr. (The Wheel and the Butterfly Saga) | Elise's ex-boyfriend/Colby (The Wheel and the Butterfly Saga)

Second Attack
Vignette Valencia | Principal Cinch | Flash Sentry
