Hate Sink Wiki
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Ah.. Your family abandoned you in a orphanage shelter? Well... THAT'S TOO BAD! HAHA! YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING WIMP! SUCK IT UP, EDGY PUSSY! *kawaii laugh*
~ Meowstills making fun of Loona being abandoned by her family.

Meowstills is a major antagonist of a crossover gacha film, Something About Luna.

She is a cruel and sadistic teenager who makes fun of everything she sees and to hurt anyone's loved ones if it means necessary to make it "hilarious" in her own vision.

She was also responsible for Luna's further depression and causing the Vees to attack the Hazbin Hotel, as well as kidnapping Emily for her own perverted needs.

She is Emily and Velvette's archenemy.

What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]

  • Unlike the other villains, she doesn't have any other goal other than to make fun of everyone she sees that is "depressing" to those and to hurt their feelings to satisfy her own needs. This shows how petty Meowstills is.
  • Along with Diamond Storm, she was responsible for making Luna's depression further, making fun of her in every way.
  • It's implied she harassed Luna since she became popular, attempting to blackmail her several times.
  • While she does seem like a cute-looking girl, she would later reveal her true colors, revealing that her cutesy act was only a facade to hide her nasty, cruel, and sadistic personality.
  • While working with the Vees, she was responsible with several workers being abused and/or getting killed, frequently making some workers lose their job and framing them for many things they didn't do. Meowstills even admits herself that, in her own way, she loves seeing those being hurt.
  • While Valentino was fine with Meowstills' "work", Vox and Velvette saw her as a threat, which they will eventually fire her to keep their workers safe from her disastrous behavior.
  • She makes fun of Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie's traumatic pasts and experiences, as well as infamously making fun of Loona's past of being abandoned by her former family.
  • She eventually worked with Velcro and Diamond Storm to orchestrate a shoot up at Hazbin Hotel, allowing Valentino and Vox to attack the place and leaving some residents their being either injured and killed.
  • She then kidnaps Emily in order to keep her for her own needs in attempt to "lust" her, while threatening Sera to keep away from her.
  • Even Velvette, Stella and Striker are disgusted by her actions, which lead to both redeeming themselves while Striker is left ambiguous. (However, Striker did stop doing evil deeds)
  • She eventually gets her comeuppance, leading to her own death after making fun of Sir Pentious's death to Cherri Bomb, blowing Meowstills body and shooting her head. Meowstills' death is rather well-deserved and satisfying.


  • She is primarily based off of "Meowbahh", who is a YouTuber who is infamous and controversial for several reasons, but also based off of Scarlet Spiker (another Hate Sink), in terms how deranged they are and also how they both loved hurting people for fun.
  • She is considered to be the most despised villain in the work and universally hated by the creator and viewers.

External Links[]


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Hazbin Hotel
Valentino | Katie Killjoy

Helluva Boss
Stella | Cash Buckzo | Crimson | Crimson's Lawyer | Arick Burnz | Karen Client

F.A.L.L.E.N: Deerie, Rachael and Beau
Fredverse: Lucifer Morningstar | Valentino
Heaven Can Wait: Adam
Just Her Sister: Vaggie
Rescues and Revelations: Valentino
Schlouden06: Valentino
Something About Luna: Diamond Storm | Velcro | Meowstills | Valentino | Mammon
Vaggie's Nightmare: Dream Charlie and Dream Emily
Emily's Revelations: Blair Everly (Pride) | Morgana Piers (Greed) | Liane Snider (Envy) | Jade Crystal (Original Script) (Lust) | Muzu Oomi (Gluttony) | Jasper Doyle (Sloth)
Ask the Crossover Friends: Luke Sterling (Pride) | Natalie Bailey (Greed) | Preston Hawkins (Lust) | Elisa Matthews (Envy) | Nikki (Gluttony) | Vincent Maroon (Wrath)
The_AiSpongebob: Vaggie and Charlie Morningstar
Hazbin Hotel Journey Of The Sinners: Luis | Valentino | EXE | Lute | Leviathan Von Eldrich | Roo
Owl's Hell That Ends Well: Baroness Eathelin | Andrealphus | Baron Wastes
Thicker Than Water: Zip | Zero | Overlord Jack
Sworn to You: Valentino | Vox
Saving Blitzo: Moxxie's Parents | Stella | Natasha and Alexander
A Monster and a Saint: Deerie | Travis | Valentino | Vox
Precious Like Starlight: Vox | Seviathan Von Eldrich | Adam
Fully Fallen: Adam | Lute
Did It Hurt When You Fell?: Adam | Lute
Pumped Up Kids: MILA | Valentino | Vox’s Parents | Niffty’s Ex-Boyfriend
Others: Valentino (Hellish Bells/To New Heights) | Marie (Tales from Hell: Hazbin Hotel) | Valentino (Stay Tuned) | Cain (Lose Those Chains)
A Loud Among Demons: Striker | Richie Manning | Vincent Stillman | Mickey "Bull-Stomp" Rogers | Stella | Crimson
Others: Deerie (Lincoln Goes to Hell) | Loona's Parents (My Little Loona) | The Doctor (No one Escapes...Redemption?) | HOLY DIVER (A Peaceful Afterlife) | Valentino (Please Go Home) | Katie Killjoy (Redemption The Lone Lobster) | Katie Killjoy and Tom Trench (WannaBee) | Loona's Teachers (You ARE My Real Dad)
