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Yeah, we have something to say. This wedding and every human here are about to be canceled.
~ Mr. Mann
We lied.
~ Mr. Mann
Stay out of this, Camille. This is for your own good.
~ Mrs. Mann
Another wedding crasher. Why'd we even bother with invitations?
~ Mrs. Mann

Mr. & Mrs. Mann are minor antagonists of the Ben 10 franchise, serving as the main antagonists of the episode "Big Fat Alien Wedding".

They are the mother and father of Camille Mann.

What Makes Them Both Hate Sinks?[]

  • After hearing they daughter Camille's getting married by plumber Joel Tennyson that could end the war of humanity and the Lenopans, Mr. and Mrs. Mann would rather continue the war then make peace.
  • While they were acting nice to Joel Tennyson, they only did this as of means to cover their true feelings of really hating him.
  • They bring Camille's Ex-Boyfriend to see her with another romance that would make him go in a rage and attempt to murder Joel if it weren't for Ben intervening and saving him.
  • When the wedding ceremony is about to begin, Mr. & Mrs. Mann along with their Bodyguard, reveal their true colors, crashing the wedding ceremony and trapping Joel Tennyson's parents and announcing their want to break the peace of humanity and the Lenopans.
  • When their daughter Camille tryed to stop her parents, Mrs. Mann would Camille for not staying out of it.
  • They try to bury Heatblast inside of them, only to to turned into a statue by Heatblast. This means that they tried to murder him.
  • They, along with Camille's Ex-Boyfriend, The Mann's Bodyguard, were the only few of the Lenopans who have not accepted peace.

External Links[]


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TV Shows
The Powerpuff Girls
Dick Hardly | Princess Morbucks | Mike Brikowski | Femme Fatale | Stanley and Sandra Practice | Sakamoto | The Fluffy Bunch | Major Man

Courage the Cowardly Dog
Cruel Veterinarian | Mad Dog

Whatever Happened to... Robot Jones?
Lenny and Denny Yogman

Codename: Kids Next Door
Numbuh 363 | Chester | Nurse Claiborne

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends
Terrence | Bendy | Angelica | Kip Snip | Dylan Lee

Teen Titans
Malchior | Val-Yor

Ben 10
Will Harangue | Morgg | Mr. & Mrs. Mann | Camille's Ex-Boyfriend


Protoboy | Donnie Turnbull | Dwight Turnbull

Adventure Time
Stag | Ash | Ricardo | Gnomes (The Enchiridion!) | King of Ooo | Toronto | Hana Abadeer | The Royal Advisors | Chicle

Sym-Bionic Titan
Baron | Galalunan Commander

Regular Show
Natalia | Bert Coleman | Unicorns | The Night Owl | Karen (Take The Cake) | The Sheriff (Gold Watch) | Country Club Leader (Country Club) | Klorgbane the Destroyer | Silver Dude | Susan

SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron
Lieutenant Commander Steel | Burke and Murray

The Amazing World of Gumball
Harold Wilson | Felicity Parham

Steve Malek | Mrs. Siddiqui | Owen | Aaron Keendel | Dean Jackson | Si Rich | Hitesh Rhakara

Steven Universe
Marty | Kevin | Holly Blue Agate | Aquamarine

We Bare Bears
Ralph | Dave | Andy Bangs | Lewis | Courtney

Infinity Train
Grace Monroe's Parents

Atomic Betty
Penelope Lang | Petunia Lorelei Lang

Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show
Eddy's Brother

We Bare Bears: The Movie
Agent Trout

Adult Swim
Moral Orel
Cecil Creepler | Dr. Secondopinionson

Final Space
Superior Stone | Werthrent

Night Feeder | Queen Ima

My Adventures with Superman
Parasite | Lex Luthor

Smiling Friends

Samurai Jack
Cacciatore | High Priestess | The Dominator

Steven Universe
Jowls (We Can Be Heroes!)

See Also:
Ninjago Hate Sinks | LEGO Hate Sinks | Rick and Morty Hate Sinks | Total Drama Hate Sinks
