Hate Sink Wiki

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"Bullying? I don't care about bullying! In fact, I encourage bullying. Builds moral fiber. Makes.... men!"
~ Mr. Burton admitting that he encourages bullying under the delusion that bullying makes boys tougher.

Mr. Burton is a major antagonist in Bully. He is a gym teacher at Bullworth Academy who openly encourages bullying and especially fighting under his firm delusion that it toughens up weaklings. It is later revealed that he's an ephebophile who lusts after the female students and would even get one girl, Zoe Taylor expelled as the latter reject his advances and tried to report his behavior. Thankfully Mr. Crabblesnitch catch wind of this and fires him.

He was voiced by Michael Boyle.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • It's apparent that he lusts after the female students of Bullsworth Academy. For example, prior to the events of the game, he sexually harassed Zoe Taylor. When she went to complain, she ended up being expelled.
  • He is the only teacher who encourages bullying as he believes that it makes boys tougher.
    • He's also shown to be a sadist as he said that likes hearing boys crying.
  • He shows his pervy side again when he persuades Jimmy into breaking into the girls’ dorm and stealing teenage girls’ panties under the excuse that he forgot to collect them for laundry day, though he at least pays him well.
  • When Jimmy finds out from Zoe that Mr. Burton got her expelled after she reported on his behavior, Jimmy sympathizes with Zoe and the two hatch a plan to vandalizes a portable toilet occupied by Mr. Burton, sending him careering off a cliff considering what has done before, this is well deserved.
  • He decides to call the police on Jimmy when the gym catches on fire, even though he doesn’t have proof he was responsible outside of him not getting accepted into the football team, which Jimmy himself said he never wanted be in anyways.
  • When Crabblesnitch finds out that he had been hitting on Zoe and the other female students from Jimmy, he became furious decides to fire Mr. Burton, adding that he hopes he burns in Hell showing how much of a scumbag Mr. Burton is.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Grand Theft Auto
2D Universe
Samuel Deever | Claude Speed
3D Universe
Catalina | Sonny Forelli | Lance Vance | Frank Tenpenny | Eddie Pulaski | OG Loc | King Courtney | Vincenzo Cilli | Mrs. Cipriani | Leon McAffrey | Jerry Martinez | Marty Jay Williams
HD Universe
Dimitri Rascalov | Vlad Glebov | Playboy X | Francis McReary | Eddie Low | Mr. McReary | Billy Grey | Brian Jeremy | Ray Boccino | Ray Bulgarin | Rocco Pelosi | Timur | Vince Pelosi | Mori Kibbutz | Evan Moss | Zhou Ming | Devin Weston | Steve Haines | Stretch | Aunt Denise | Fabien LaRouche | Dr. Friedlander | Peter Dreyfuss | Jackson Skinner

Lionel Starkweather | Ramirez | Leo Kasper | Dr. Pickman

Gary Smith | Mr. Hattrick | Mr. Burton | Lola Lombardi

Max Payne
Nicole Horne | B.B

L.A Noire
Harlan J. Fontaine | Roy Earle | Garret Mason | Marlon Hopgood | Eli Rooney | Grosvenor McCaffrey

Red Dead
Governor Griffon | General Diego | Colonel Darren | Udo Kang
Edgar Ross | Bill Williamson | Agustin Allende | Vincente De Santa | Randall Forrester | Mario Alcalde | Micah Bell | Leviticus Cornwall | O'Driscoll Boys (Colm O'Driscoll) | Angelo Bronte | Alberto Fussar | Colonel Henry Favours | Edmund Lowry Jr. | Murfree Brood | Night Folk | Skinner Brothers (Otis Skinner) | Emmet Granger | Jim "Boy" Calloway | General Quincy T. Harris | Mr. Gillis | Norris Forsythe | Micah Bell's gang
