Hate Sink Wiki

Mr. Grudge is the main antagonist of the ShanePlays video "The Hated Teacher: A Sad Roblox Movie". He is a mean teacher that dislikes Mr. Robertson, and tries to frame him for pushing another student.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • When he first appears, he scolds Mr. Robertson for wanting to take his class outside.
  • He runs over a student named Timothy, and framed Mr. Robertson for pushing him in front of his car while he was backing out.
    • This act causes Timothy's Mom to scold Mr. Robertson in the hospital, along with preventing him from talking to her son.
  • His actions result in Mr. Robertson getting arrested.
    • He would've been able to succeed if Timothy hadn't intervened during the trial.
  • He's never given a Freudian Excuse on why he hates Mr. Robertson.
  • His defeat is played for satisfaction as he is arrested when Mr. Robertson gets a police officer to identify Mr. Grudge's car, which he used to run over Timothy.

External Link[]


            Hate Sinks

Aaron and Nathan's Mother | Andy and Olivia's Dad | Ben and Bruce's Mom | Frank and Denise | Greg, Brian, and Jacob's Father | Helga | Malcolm's Mom | Malcolm's Dad | Marcus and Roger's Parents | Michael's Father | Michael's Stepmother | Mr. Bridges | Nathan and Nolan's Mother | Travis Quimby

Alexis Higgins | Chad | Cooper | Darren | Danny Anderson | Harley | Hayden Bridges | Jackie | Kevin | Kyle | Leon and Lillian | Lonnie | Ronnie | Stacy (His Brother's Wife Hated Him) | Stacy (Mean Sister Had Him Arrested) | Trevor | Tyler

Bart | Blaze | Chaz Ruby | Cody | Eunice | Hudson | Luka | Mr. Grudge | Mary | The Principal | Ronald | Rude Customer | Rude Employee | Rude Police Officer (His Girlfriend Became FAMOUS.... She LEFT Him!) | Rude Police Officer (SPOILED Sister RUINED His Life!) | Trevor (Video Games Turned Him Into A Millionaire) | Walter
