Hate Sink Wiki

Mr. Ishtar is a posthumous antagonist of the series Yu-Gi-Oh!.

He was a tomb keeper and a father of Marik and Ishizu and the adopted father of Odion, who he refused to acknowledge him as his son.

What Make Him Hate Sink?[]

  • Mr. Ishtar was a horrible father and husband to his family as shown in many case:
    • He was against the idea of adopting Odion, while Mrs. Ishtar wanted to as she don’t want him to be left for dead in the middle of desert and out of love. Also, he only adopted Odion not out of love but rather in case of not having a son.
    • When Ishizu was born, he was disappointed in not having a biological son, showing his sexism as well as treating her badly.
    • When Mrs. Ishtar died of child birth after Marik was born, Mr. Ishtar was not concerned with her death as he only wanted a son to pass the role as a tomb keeper. Also, his treatment towards Odion got worse to the point of treating him as a slave.
      • There was one time when Marik and Odion were playing togethe,r and Marik got bitten by a snake, Mr. Ishtar was furious that he beat up Odion for not protecting Marik.
    • He forced his son Marik into going through a ritual that involved having his back carved with a knife as Mr. Ishtar was quite sadistic at his action.
      • When Odion tried to take Marik’s place for the tomb keeper ritual, Mr. Ishtar was mad that he brutally beat him up.
      • The ritual was what caused Yami Marik to be born from Marik’s hatred.
      • Mr. Ishtar was unsympathetic towards Marik’s suffering, in contrast to Odion, who did go through the ritual of his own craving his face with a knife to share their suffer. Indeed when Marik showed his back to the pharaoh, who Mr. Ishtar was fanatic, the latter was shocked and disgusted by Mr. Ishtar’s action.
    • He forbids his family from venturing outside making it treat like a prison.
      • When he discovered that Marik and Ishizu went outside, he was furious by beating up Odion, who knew about his siblings’ plan and kept secret.
      • He planned to torture Marik, but Yami Marik awaken from inside Marik, and the first thing Yami Marik did was kill Mr. Ishtar or send him to the Shadow Realm, and this was never played with sympathy and instead played with shock towards Yami Marik.
      • Had Mr. Ishtar not abused his children, Yami Marik would have never been born out of Marik’s hatred.


  • His English dub version is far less detestable than his original counterpart due to censorship to violence. However, him being sent to the Shadow Realm serves as a fate much worse than death.