Hate Sink Wiki

Mr. Saur is the main antagonist in Goosebumps book #44, Say Cheese And Die Again. He is a strict, spiteful English teacher who repeatedly makes fun of the protagonist Greg Banks after he gets cursed with obesity by the evil camera.

In the episode adaptation, he was portrayed by Louis Del Grande.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He greets Greg when he walks into class by saying "Hi Greg. Putting on a little weight?".
  • When Greg shows up to class after having gained over 300 pounds from yesterday, Mr. Saur continues to make fun of Greg, even though he's now weighing over 400 pounds, which is incredibly unhealthily obese for a 12 year old boy. He makes fun of Greg for the fact that he's too fat to sit at a desk, telling Greg to go stand by the windows, only to double back and say if Greg does that he will block out the sunlight.
  • He smiles cruelly at Greg, greatly enjoying his predicament.
  • He tells Greg to go see the school nurse to discuss the four food groups with her, joking that Greg has been eating too much of all four.
  • All the students are shocked by his cruelty. Even the class bullies, Donnie and Brian, show sympathy for Greg's condition. Mr. Saur, however, thinks that it's all hilarious.
  • He doesn't realize that it's physically impossible for Greg to have gained over 300 pounds in just two days, failing to realize that there's something seriously wrong with Greg when all the students have already realized it, which makes him look inexcusably stupid for an adult, let alone a teacher. He is also portrayed as foolish since he continues to openly bully Greg in class, which would have gotten him fired if one of the students reported him to the principal.
  • All the students find his jokes tasteless.
  • At the end of the story, Greg is so mad at him for his bullying that he tries to take his picture with the evil camera, despite knowing that there is a distinct chance that this could lead to Mr. Saur dying.
  • When Greg brings the evil camera to class at the end of the book to try and get revenge on Mr. Saur, he takes the camera from Greg and takes a photo of the entire class, with the series, never revealing what happened afterwards, meaning that there is a distinct possibility that Mr. Saur inadvertently killed his whole class with the camera.
  • As far as the audience knows, he never got any comeuppance for bullying Greg and possibly dooming his entire class.
  • Overall, he is a strict, spiteful and inexcusably stupid teacher who bullies one of his students when he suffers obesity, shows no concern for the student's health, appalls even the class bullies with his tasteless jokes, remains completely oblivious to the very obvious fact that the student should not be physically capable of gaining weight at the rate he is, possibly dooms his entire class, and gets off with no punishment for his cruelty and stupidity.


  • His episode counterpart doesn't count as Hate Sink, as this depiction is portrayed as simply a serious, stern and no-nonsense teacher who doesn't believe that Greg is actually gaining weight and thinks that Greg is trying to fool him by wearing a costume with padding. This makes him much more reasonable than the bully figure he was in the book. Ironically, while he remains unpunished in the book, the episode ends with him getting his photo taken by the camera and losing all his hair.


            Hate Sinks

Goosebumps (original series)
Rick and Tony Beymer | Mr. Wood | Conan Barber | Alexander Dubrow | Tara Webster | Kevin Flowers | Mr. Saur

Goosebumps Series 2000
Brandon Plush | Mrs. Eakins | Dr. Thorne

Goosebumps Slappyworld
Gordon Willey
