Hate Sink Wiki

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ā€œ Why would you do that shit...to a boy? You some kind of f**got? ā€ž
~ Mr. de la Cruz to his son about raping Tyler.

Mr. de la Cruz a minor yet pivotal antagonist in 13 Reasons Why. He is the abusive father of Montgomery "Monty" de la Cruz, and likely the one whose responsible for shaping his son into who he is today. Although he doesn't have too much screen time, there's enough of his presence to at least paint a good enough picture of the type of person he is.

He was portrayed by Marcus DeAnda.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He's an abusive father to Monty, constantly beating him in fits of drunken rage to the point where he's sometimes forced to sleep under a bridge and carry a nightstick home with him. In season 2, Monty mentions his dad coming after him with a hammer, and behold, he's shown wearing a cast on his arm the very next episode.
    • Furthermore, although Monty is much worse in nearly every conceivable way and whatever bad childhood he had doesn't excuse the several heinous crimes he commits in the present, it definitely at least contributed to them since his father is shown to be almost as abusive and homophobic as himself, and worse yet he doesn't take any responsibility for his actions. Like father, like son.
  • When Monty goes to jail for raping Tyler and his dad visits him, he calls him a "f**got" since he's clearly more pissed at him raping a boy than him raping someone. He then spits on him for being gay as he leaves, which is played for sympathy in Monty's favor.
  • Although he claims to "bust his ass" for his family, it's not proven whether this is true or if he's simply using this to gaslight Monty like most domestic abusers do.
  • By the end of the series, he faces zero comeuppance for his horrible behavior, and it's never even shown how he reacts to Monty's death in prison.
  • Unlike every other villain in the series, he gets absolutely no sympathetic portrayals.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

TV Series
Seth Massey | Mr. de la Cruz | Marcus Cole | Taylor and Kenneth | Rick Wlodimierz | Dean Holbrook | Monty de la Cruz (original script)

Bryce Walker | Monty de la Cruz

See Also
Netflix Hate Sinks | Paramount Hate Sinks

            Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Bellroc | Zong-Shi | Lane and Irmgard Klaxon | King and Queen of The Crown | PodestĆ 

Live-Action Features
Anders Behring Breivik | Shere Khan | Amir Asif | Thanh SĆ³i | Judge Julius Hoffman | Arquette | Catherine Ortiz | Anders Behring Breivik | Amir Asif | Henderson (You) | Janie Orlean | Jason Orlean | Peter Isherwell

Animated Television
Krogan | Queen Usurna | Forever | Butterscotch Horseman | Joseph Sugarman | The Bishop | Scarred Man | Comte de Vaublanc | Bernice Krupp | Dicko | Alpha Mom and Dad | Dr. Emilia | Dr. Emilia's Father | Finn | Finnegrin | Sol Regem | Stern One | Periander | Acrisius | David's Marra | Kelly | Camp Lifeguard | Dirk | Pastry Pete | Bellroc

Live-Action Television
Dr. Georgina Orwell | Chad Garland | Randy Lesser | Captain Frederick Gideon | Captain Frederick Gideon (Demon) | Arturo Roman | Cesar Gandia | Choi Yoon-Jae | Jang Deok-su | Player 278 | Factory Owner | The VIPs | Nam-gyu | Seon-nyeo | Im Jeong-dae | Yoon Gwi-nam | Son Myeong-hwan | Joseph Crackstone | Esther Sinclair | Seth Massey | Mr. de la Cruz | Marcus Cole | Taylor and Kenneth | Rick Wlodimierz | Dean Holbrook | Monty de la Cruz (original script) | Carmelita Spatz | Tristan (I Woke Up a Vampire)

See Also
13 Reasons Why Hate Sinks | 20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Amblin Entertainment Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Paramount Hate Sinks | PathƩ Hate Sinks | Stranger Things Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks
