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ā | Ms. Cantwell: Okay, you've won. You've driven me out of this plum substitute teaching job. (As Ms. Cantwell was about to leave, Lisa was at the door.) Lisa: Ms. Cantwell, I can make this stop. All you have to do is like me. Ms. Cantwell: I... I can't. (As she goes to the kangaroo accomplishment chart, Ms. Cantwell takes the last of Lisa's joeys out and rips its head off with her teeth before leaving) |
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~ Ms. Cantwell refusing to like Lisa Simpson, resulting in her ultimately refusing to change her ways. |
ā | Lisa: Ms. Cantwell, wait! I've got to know before you leave. Why don't you like me? Ms. Cantwell: Lisa, sometimes you just don't like a person. There's no logical explanation. It just is. Lisa: That is so unsatisfying. (sigh) Ms. Cantwell: Here we go. If you don't get what you want, you get all pouty. All you pretty girls are the same. Lisa: You think I'm pretty? Ms. Cantwell: Right, like you don't get told that every day of your life, with your perfect blond hair, that Kewpie-doll voice that drives the boys crazy. And what eight-year-old wears pearls? Bookworms like me can't stand party girls like you. Lisa: She hates me because I'm pretty! Whoo! (Ms. Cantwell makes her car splash dirt on Lisa Simpson) Ms. Cantwell: Not so pretty now, are you? Lisa: Can you sign my yearbook? |
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~ Ms. Cantwell's reason to hate Lisa Simpson before leaving, but not before getting Lisa dirty on purpose. |
Ms. Cantwell is a one-shot character who was a main antagonist in The Simpsons episode, "Black Eyed Please" (Season 24 Episode 15).
She is one of Lisa Simpson's archenemies who used to be Lisa Simpson's new substitute teacher. However, she is shown to not like Lisa Simpson for an unknown yet very petty reason.
She was voiced by Tina Fey.
What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]
- While she does treat the rest of the class well, she unfairly treats Lisa Simpson and treats her terribly for no reason. She would even bully, harass, and use her own teacher role to give every opportunity to belittle and mock Lisa Simpson and give her bad grades on work that she actually did good on out of spite. It's also worth noting that Lisa hadn't done anything wrong to even make Cantwell hate her other, showing how immature, petty and cruel Cantwell is.
- An example of this can be shown where she ignores Lisa's work assignment her and gives her a "B" without even looking at her work just "because she says so", while giving Ralph Wiggum an "A" for it, showing her favoritism of her students and her pettiness.
- Cantwell would also blame Lisa and make the pettiest excuse by saying that Lisa was trying to "get ahead of the other children" when Lisa keeps reading her books during free play time, before deciding to have Lisa Simpson lose two of her joeys (which are points for accomplishment) and have them given to random students just out of spite for Lisa Simpson.
- When she asked why Miss Cantwell doesn't like her, Cantwell would tell her to guess. When Lisa got it wrong, Cantwell would decide to give Lisa Simpson two demerits for no reason, even mentioning that she has driven by Lisa's house when Lisa asked what if she homeschooled. This would make Cantwell a stalker. When Lisa looks to Ms. Cantwell, she would rudely roar at her as a way to make Lisa leave the classroom.
- These factors caused Lisa to struggle with studying with her books because of the bullying that Cantwell put her through.
- Thankfully, Lisa got help from Edna Krabappel and Bart Simpson to expose Cantwell. During a 2-minute bathroom break, Bart destroyed the classroom and posted a video of Cantwell grumbling out "Stupid Lisa" scornfully in the bathroom. This would lead Ms. Cantwell to angrily leave the school as fast as she could.
- After Lisa tried to tell her parents about Cantwell's bullying and have to report it to Principal Skinner and Superintendent Chalmers in the office, Cantwell tells Lisa that she should never tell on a bully, before bringing Lisa Simpson to detention class, telling the detention teacher that "Every rep sheet has a first line.", while grinning in a smug manner.
- As she leaves, when Skinner and Chalmers try telling her that she can't just leave as she showed up before the students, Cantwell will insult them, refers to both of them as "the worst dressed gay men" that she has ever met before rudely leaving them, only to be stopped by Lisa on her windshield.
- When Lisa wants to ask Miss Cantwell why she doesn't like her, Ms. Cantwell would admit that it was all because she didn't like Lisa Simpson and for having blonde hair, showing that she is not only doing so out of spite, but also out of pettiness.
- Cantwell also reveals to be xenophobic and believe that all blonde-haired girls are stereotypically stupid and use their looks to "drive boys crazy", while also insulting Lisa for being an eight-year-old for wearing a pearl necklace, showing her reason as being too petty, especially since Lisa Simpson had done nothing wrong to her. Ms. Cantwell would also saying that "bookworms like [her] can't stand party girls like [Lisa]".
- When Lisa thinks that she hates her just for being pretty as she leaves, but not before purposely splashing mud on Lisa with her car while rudely saying "Not so pretty now, are you?".
- Even though Miss Cantwell did quit her job, she wasn't really given much of a punishment for her actions, making Cantwell a Karma Houdini.
- Ms. Cantwell, alongside The Kindergarten Teacher, Jebediah Springfield, Ms. Kelp, Cesar and Ugolin, and Judge Constance Harm are the only Simpsons characters to be considered as Hate Sinks.
External Links[]
- Ms. Cantwell on the Villains Wiki.
- Ms. Cantwell on the Simpsons Wiki.
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