ā | Oh dear. Did you really think you could do this alone? Take down forty super-villains? Talk about delusions of grandeur. But your friends. People who would hesitate. That's a different matter entirely. My name is Mysterio, Master of Illusions. My thanks on behalf of the criminal community. | ā |
~ Mysterio bragging about his illusions to a broken Wolverine. |
Mysterio is the overarching antagonist of Old Man Logan. In this reality (Earth-807128), the villains overthrew and killed most of the heroes. When Logan reflects on how he lost his Wolverine persona, flashbacks reveal that when trying to protect his fellow mutants, Mysterio tricked him into killing his fellow X-Men instead, causing Wolverine to fall into despair.
What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]
- Unlike his original comic book counterpart, this Mysterio lacks any Laughably Evil or Evil is Cool moments, instead having his negative traits in his arrogance and egotism amplified.
- Used distress calls from superhero organizations to play on Wolverine's fears.
- Tricked Wolverine into slaughtering his own teammates by having him think they were various supervillains.
- Once Wolverine realized what was happening, Mysterio snobbishly brags about his crimes being his doing and how hopeless it would be to fight against supervillains.
- Mysterio's horrific actions caused Logan to spiral into a suicidal depression, with the latter allowing a train to run over him to try to end his misery.
- While this did not kill Logan, this clearly left him traumatized for the rest of his life.
- Gets away with all of his crimes scot-free, making him a Karma Houdini.
- Mysterio lacks any redeeming qualities and everything about him is portrayed seriously.
External links[]
- Mysterio (Old Man Logan) on the Villains Wiki
- Quentin Beck (Earth-807128) on the Marvel Wiki
- Mysterio (Old Man Logan) on the Near Pure Evil Wiki
Live-Action Animation Videogames Comics/Novels Old Man Logan: Fanon See Also |