Hate Sink Wiki

Naval Officer Saijo is the secondary antagonist of Ultraman Cosmos.

What Makes Him Despicable[]

  • Repeatedly antagonized EYES for their pacifist ways of dealing with monsters and tried to take over their operations, usually by using excessive force, even when they managed to de-escalate a situation involving a monster.
    • A big example of this is when he had Mazalgas attacked, despite the fact that it had the ability to counter Chaos Header, causing to it becoming weakened and more vulnerable to Chaos Header, leading to it eventually influencing it and turning it into Chaos Mazalgas, and later dying of its injuries as a result of his battle with Cosmos and the JSDF, thus destroying humanityā€™s one chance at stopping Chaos Header.
  • Hypocritically insists throughout the series that EYES were incompetent, despite the fact his methods always made things worse
  • Unlike Chaos Header who was a WIE and eventually redeemed himself, as well as the other JADF members, Saijo has no redeeming qualities and is consistently played as a stubborn, petty, smug, condescending jerk.


            Hate Sinks

Showa Series
Alien Mystellar (Evil Brother) | Alien Nackle | Alien Medusa | Dogyuh | Commander Black | Professor Nakagawa | Gamos

Heisei Series
Kaji | Enomena | Alien Valkyrie | Alien Nowar | Naval Officer Saijo | Commander Shigemura | Mitsuhiko Hirukawa | Alien Bat

New Generation Series
Exceller | Gargorgon | Imari | Celebro | Mai Yuki | Hudram | Yu Dobashi

Other Media
Ace Killer
