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Hate Sink Wiki

Nezbitt (Soichiro Ota in the Japanese version) is a member of the Big Five, the main board of directors for KaibaCorp. Specifically, he was the chief technical officer at KaibaCorp who oversaw the company's research and development activities. He was in charge of Technical Engineering of the military weapons KaibaCorp originally made and later the virtual reality Duel Monster system and video game software initiated by Seto Kaiba. He is a supporting antagonist in season 1 and a major antagonist in season 3.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • As the one responsible for the weapons facility, he is the one most responsible for KaibaCorp's war crimes, making him individually more heinous than the other members of the Big Five.
  • While not as pronounced as other members of the Big Five such as Gansley and Johnson, it can be assumed that he too was greedy, corrupt, and power-hungry. He and the other members of the Big Five were convinced to help Seto overthrow Gozaburo under the false promise of providing Nezbitt with more power than he already had, showing no loyalty.
  • He is a misanthrope who favors machines over humanity and takes this to the point of trying to pretend he himself is a robot, which Noah calls out as pathetic.
  • While he does have a legitimate reason for hating Seto since Seto had his lab destroyed, this motivation is very myopic considering the fact that he used said lab to design weapons that were used to finance KaibaCorp's war crimes. Realistically speaking, he should have been arrested for providing the weapons that allowed KaibaCorp's war crimes.
  • He and the other members of the Big Five betray Seto to Pegasus. When Yugi defeats Pegasus and he releases Seto, Seto fires the Big Five, who retaliate by sealing Seto inside a virtual world to try and kill him with their Five Headed Dragon Dual monster so they could take over Kaiba Corp themselves. When Yugi, Joey, Mai, and Mokuba enter the virtual world to try and save Seto, the Big Five attempt to kill them as well. Gansley kills Joey, Mai, and Mokuba (who are later revived), but the Big Five are defeated when Yugi and Seto combine their monsters to destroy the Five Headed Dragon, sealing the Big Five in the virtual world.
  • He and the rest of the Big Five team up with Noah, planning to trap the protagonists in the virtual world so they can steal their bodies and escape to the real world, with Nezbitt planning to continue his work designing weapons to be uses in war crimes afterward. He shows no remorse at the thought of trapping innocent young teenagers in cyberspace forever.
  • Nezbitt forces Serenity, who he knows has never even seen a Duel Monsters duel before, to be his opponent, simply so he can have an unfair advantage against a complete newbie. He does eventually agree to a three on one duel against Serinity, Tristan, and Duke, but he knows that Tristan has never actually dueled either, only serving as an observer, and he explicitly forbids the three from discussing strategies.
  • When Serenity accidentally places a monster in attack mode (she didn't realize you had to place the card sideways to put it in defense mode), Nezbitt refuses to let her switch it.
  • During his duel, he proves himself a sexist. He repeatedly targets Serinity. While this could initially be explained as him targeting her because she is easily the least experienced, he still goes after her when Tristan deliberately plays weaker monsters in an attempt to draw him away from her.
  • He calls Tristan a fool and mockingly thanks him when his Cyber Commander gives Nezbitt's Machine King an attack point increase due to it being a robotic monster and Machine King gaining an attack power increase for every robotic monster in play.
  • Like the other members of the Big Five, he is very smug and assured of his victory.
  • He is the only member of the Big Five to defeat one of the protagonists, defeating Tristan.
  • He mockingly asks Serenity if she can duel without Tristan.
  • Even after Duke and Serinity manage to defeat him, he still takes Tristan's body, despite having technically lost the overall duel, something the rest of the Big Five didn't agree with. He also smugly laughs and gloats about this.
  • He kidnaps Mokuba for Noah, allowing Noah to brainwash him.
  • He attempts to escape back to the real world using Tristan's body while smugly taunting the other members of the Big Five, who lost all of their duels. This shows that he didn't really care about his teammates.
  • During the five on two duel of the Big Five in Tristan's body versus Yugi and Joey, he roughly shoves Johnson out of the way, further showing how much of a jerk he is.
  • During his one and only turn during the five on two duel, he proves how utterly incompetent he is against seasoned duelists like Yugi and Joey, and demonstrates that his good performance against Tristan, Serinity, and Duke was largely due to the former two being inexperienced and none of them being allowed to discuss strategies. His blunder during his one turn costs the team 2800 points. If it hadn't been for him, the Big Five might have actually won.
  • He and the rest of the Big Five refuse to return Tristan's body after they lose.
  • Overall, he is a rude, power-hungry, treacherous, smug, arms dealing, sexist, misanthrope who targets the weak and inexperienced, refuses to keep his word, and is so incompetent at dueling that he doomed his whole team.


           Yu-Gi-Oh logoHate Sinks

Weevil Underwood | Panik | Bandit Keith | Mr. Ishtar

The Big Five:
Gansley | Johnson | Nezbitt

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX
Mr. Shroud

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds
Mr. Armstrong | Sayer

Don Thousand

Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V
Sander | The Doktor

Queen | Lightning

The Judgement of the World: Divine | Isao Yoshifumi
