ā | Nick: Aye Leni, how's it going? Where's Lori and Bobby? (Leni points to Lori and Bobby, who were playing a board game) Nick: Oh, Bryan invited some chick named Carol he has a crush on. Apparently, she has beef with Lori... She didn't show, I guess. You got a boyfriend yet? (Leni shakes head, but remains silent) Nick: Well let me tell you this; never fall in love with somebody who refuses to love themselves, they'll never love you back and it will always end in tragedy. That's what I did. Leni: Who was it? How did it end? Nick: (Leans close) It's pretty loud down here. Wanna head upstairs where we can talk? (Eye twitches nervously) Leni: No, Lori said not to go upstairs with anyone 'Nick: (Laughs) Good advice. A bunch of f--king horny dogs around here. Leni: But can you tell me where the bathroom is? Nick: Yeah. You consider us friends, right? Leni: (shrugs) I guess... Nick: (smiles) Then you can use the bathroom in my room. It's the first door on the right. I'll walk you to the bedroom door, so no creeps try to get in after you. (...) You're beautiful, Leni. You know that? It's just so hot in here, isn't it? Leni: What are you doing? Nick: I fell in. lo- no, in lust with somebody who I want to f--k so bad, but they don't even love themselves. They won't let even me love them. It's gonna end in tragedy, only way to get what I want. You could see my advance on you. You were absorbed with with your 'depression' to notice. Come 0n Leni, make it easy. |
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~ Nick Lambert at the Halloween party, before later luring her in the bathroom and raping Leni. |
ā | Nick: Hey, hey, hey, snap out of it. You alright? You look sick... (chuckles) You've been happy lately... What's this you're reading? (snatches Leni's hands and examines it) Interesting, seeing you read something about self-help. Anyways, back to why I'm here.... Why have you been so happy. I know I told you once before I don't like you happy. (...) Of course you don't want to talk to me. But I just want to ask you one question that I already know the answer to. If you lie, I'll get very, very angry, alright? (...) Are you and the girl named Carol Pingrey dating? Leni: Yes. How? Nick: You can't expect to make out in public spaces and expect no one to see. It's alright though, I don't plan on doing anything bad, yet, as long as you help me, alright? (Leni nods) I'm refining my plan, so be happy a little while longer. Carol has been busy dealing with people; especially my friends at the photography club. I just heard Karen's parents transferred her to whatever the bad kid school is. Things are getting boring around here. I LOVE chaos, and Carol is order. When I come back your way in a few days, weeks, or even months, do what I say or that video... (Leni nods) I don't think you know what I mean. In the end, it's just going to become a huge mess with you to take the fall every time. You better make Carol stop that snitching, or you might be the one to get stitches. That's your first mission. And, officially, Carol and Bryan are still dating. Tell her to give my bro Bryan some physical love, if you know what I mean. And seriously though, from one 'friend' to another... Enjoy your happiness. You deserve it... While it lasts. |
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~ Nick Lambert blackmailing and threatening Leni Loud about the recording he had of Leni Loud. |
ā | Leni: Hello? Nick: Leni? Is this Leni Loud? Leni:Yes. Like, who is this? Nick: It's your boy Nick. Why weren't you at school? I had plans for us today. Leni: Whay did you have planned? Nick: I was going to trash your girlfriend's locker. Bryan told me that she broke up with him. You know she did him dirty? Promising him she would f--k him sometime and then breaking up. Leni: That was five weeks ago, Leave Carol out of it. I was the one who broke them up, not her. Trash my locker instead. Nick: (smugly) That's why I'm doing it, for you. You're getting too comfortable. Everyday, Bryan makes some dumbass shot about how he misses, when they find out Carol's locker is f--ked up and written on, you are going to take the blame for it. Leni: What if I don't? Nick: Hold on a second. Check your texts. (sends Leni an inappropriate video attachment of her) Leni: I'll go to the police! Nick: How many people did you think will see this video if it were posted to a pornsite? A hundred? A hundred thousand? This is an edited video. As far anyone else knows, everything that happened was consensual. |
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~ Nick Lambert threatening to send the edited tape of Leni to plan to humiliate the latter. |
ā | Nick: I asked Lori to get us some time to talk alone. That's why she had such sh--ty excuses to get others away. So... I understand that you're getting professional help, right? Leni: Yep. I didn't tell him what you did to me. I could though, or maybe, I should though. Nick: It's recorded that you said it was consensual. Leni: Like, you keep threatening me. I'm not scared of you. You're just a totes big bully like everyone else. Nick: Sometimes I regret that night; I regret deciding not to kill you. Leni: I know. A while ago, I regret you didn't, but things changed. You got Dana and I got Carol, you'll be graduated out in the world a couple of months and I'll have my own world in high school. This... like, fight between us is totes tiring. Nick: But you're right; this is getting old. It's time we move past it, our future is in front of us! I wanna make you a plan- I mean deal. No more plans or schemes. I wanted to do more horrible things and make you take part of it then, but... Okay, so here's the proposition. I will never, ever, threaten you with the video again. I won't actively go out of my way to f--k up your life or relationship or whatever you got going on. (...) But, if somebody comes up to me and explicitly asks about you and I, I'll show them the video if they explicitly ask for it. It will not be sent or shown to anyone otherwise. Leni: But what else? That's too good to be true. Nick: Can I get a kiss? (chuckles) Can I get a hug then? (...) I thought you liked it when I press my body against yours. I see you're not one for physical contact. At least a handshake though if we want the deal to be in order. (...) I wanna at least be on a neutral level of respect with you. Me and Lori are friends, you and Brian are friends. We should be the tightest group of friends, like the sh-t you see in the movies. Come on. Let's go get something to eat, as friends instead of enemies. Leni: I can't eat before swimming, totes bad. Bryan is going to teach me how to swim like a pro. |
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~ Nick Lambert's last conversation with Leni before being arrested. |
Nick Lambert is the main antagonist romantic drama Fanfiction of The Loud House "Regrets".
He would be mentioned in Chapter 10, being described as being a grown man with dark hair with pale skin.
He was a popular student who was a former trusted friend of Lori Loud. However, Nick Lambert is revealed to be an obsessed sociopath who uses Leni's trust to lure her into a bathroom as an advantage to sexually assault her at a Halloween party on camera and filming it on camera forcing her to give a statement of consent under the threat of violence if she ever told anyone about it.
He would later edit the sex tape to make it sound like Leni gave consent when she didn't, with Adam also threatening her that he would upload the edited sex tape online to further humiliate Leni.
What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]
- Nick Lambert is an individual who has played a major factor of Leni's insecurities and trauma. While it is mentioned that he is well-liked in high school and has a group of friends and has maintained some relationships with and seems to be affable at first, this was actually all just a faƧade to hide the fact and has reveals his true colors only when he is alone with Leni.
- In prior to the story, they both met at a Halloween party Leni reluctantly went to. Nick would also do some some very creepy things, like luring Leni to the bathroom in his room, telling how she is beautiful and how he fell in lust with her and saying how he wants to have sex with her so bad, despite Nick being an adult and Leni being an adolescent minor.
- Nick is also a hypocrite as well, as he refers to the other people that were at the party as creeps when he is with Leni, although it was later revealed that Nick exactly the thing he said where he assures that no creeps will try to get in if they walked into the bathroom in his room.
- However, when Leni thought about him being her friend, Nick decided to use her "friendship" as an opportunity to sexually assault her. He would also double down by filming his nasty act, forcing her to say that she believably consented under the threat of him bringing Lori upstairs to sexually assault her while planning to have Leni watch it for his own sick kicks, saying that nobody would believe her. This would also make Nick a groomer.
- Nick would also edit the video to make it look like Leni agreed to everything and that Nick didn't hurt her.
- He also sees his "friendship" with Leni Loud as just a story and is eager to give the "story" of him and Leni a "tragic ending".
- Nick Lambert would also go as far as to disgustingly blame Leni for "tempting" him and doesn't consider himself as a bad person who is perversely obsessed, even though he is so with Leni.
- It's worth noting that Nick Lambert is an eighteen-year-old adult while Leni Loud is a a sixteen-year-old minor, making Nick Lambert a perverted, obsessed ephebophile.
- In addition to this, Nick was the reason why she nearly attempted suicide if it weren't for Carol Pingrey intervening to save her.
- What also makes it even worse is that Lori refused to hear Leni out when she got sexually assaulted by her friends and thought that Leni was sleeping irresponsibly with him. It is also worth mentioning that Nick Lambert also got Leni a pregnancy scare due to what he did to her.
- Nick also decided to destroy Carol's locker just so he can try to have Leni take the blame for it. and that Carol has to stop snitching on him or else he would blackmail her by threatening to humiliate her by uploading his edited video to a pornsite as a way to silence Leni Loud to not reveal anything that he did to her, while disgustingly asking about how many people would see and while also telling her that everything was consensual, even though Leni is a minor when it all happened, therefore Leni cannot legally consent.
- It is also mentioned that Leni did lie to Carol about being a virgin and that Nick was planning to ruin Leni's relationship of her and Carol.
- When Leni begs him to delete the video, Nick refuses as he likes to have her as his minion to boss around, while saying that if she begs him again, he would plan to send the video to Lori or Carol, knowing that Lori is showed to not believe Leni of about what happened to Leni that night and that Carol didn't tell her about her trauma. Even Leni knew that Nick was capable of using his own words to manipulate people into getting what he wanted and to make them believe him.
- It is even implied that Nick Lambert would also stalk Leni Loud out of a perverse obsession of keeping her as miserable as much as possible, even harassing her in private any time she were to feel any happiness. It is heavilly implied that Nick Lambert actually wants Leni to kill herself or to kill Leni as a way to to preserve his reputation if she dared to try to tell Lori and Carol about it.
- When Leni mentions to Dr. Hudson about Nick Lambert and with him being an adult while Leni was still a minor during the occurrence of the assault, Hudson would point out that even if Nick released the edited sex tape, Nick will still be charged with statutory rape and filming pornography of a minor, as well as it being a felony to the rules about blackmail in her state, meaning that Nick would see himself in a maximum of four years in prison with a fine up to ten-thousand dollars for making pornography of a minor even if Nick didn't upload it, saying that if she were to go to the police and find the video that Nick made.
- When Leni gained enough confidence to reveal the truth about her abuse, Nick admits to regretting not killing Leni, meaning that he be active planning to kill her so that Leni wouldn't be able to tell Carol and Lori about the incident of the sexual assault. It is heavily implied that the only reason why Nick Lambert didn't do so when he had is that he thinks that he would be able to get away with it.
- When Leni says that their fight is getting old, Nick would try to tell Leni that they should put their past aside as if he had not just sexually assaulted her before. While Adam did try to make a deal for Leni that he would not threaten Leni with his edited snuff film of her, the way he talks about it doesn't mean that he wouldn't show it to people if they explicity ask Adam about that happened between him and Leni, as it would very likely be spread like gossip if he did go through with it. This means he is still planning to try ruin Leni's life even if he didn't upload it as he would STILL BE SHOWING IT TO OTHER PEOPLE.
- Nick would also tease Leni by asking if he could kiss her or hug her, while having the audacity to say that Leni liked physical contact in a rather smug manner. This shows that he still refuses to leave Leni be and continues to sexually harass Leni.
- While it is mentioned by Leni that Nick would be so old by the time he leaves from prison and that he only has his mother, Dr. Hudson would say that Nick is a person who is not capable of changing, meaning that Nick Lambert is someone who is not meant to be sympathized. It can also worth mentioning that even though it is implied that Adam Lambert's father was either absent or dead, Adam's supposed "tragedy" has absolutely nothing to do with him being a ephebophilic rapist, therefore it is not used to make him tragic at all.
- Nick's actions would leave Leni Loud with psychological scars and have PTSD and made her depression become even worse, even to the point where she become suicidal after believing that she might've got pregnanted by him (even though it was later shown that Leni thankfully was not), as well as thinking that everything was her own fault, even blaming herself for the abuse that Nick did to her. Leni would also be hesitant when it comes to physical contact with men as a result of the sexual assault.
- This would also explain her being hesitant about dating boys and her insecurities and Carol not liking her, but wanting to be with Carol so she could try to forget about her trauma. Whenever her trauma button gets triggered, she would tend to be subconsciously aggressive about anything related to sex on her first date.
- He does finally get his well-deserved comeuppance when he finally gets arrested by the police, with Lori apologizing to Leni Loud for not listening to her about what Nick did to her, being disgusted with Nick and was ready to beat him up for what he did.
- Nick has no redeeming qualities, comedic moment, nor any "evil is cool" moments, and is overall a sickeningly sadistic, manipulative, and perverted sociopath who took advantage of and sexually assaulted Leni Loud, as well as having made a snuff video of him doing said act to Leni and doubles down by editing the video to make it look like she consented when in reality she did not and cannot consent to it due to Lori Loud being a minor at the time of the incident.
- While it is true that Karen Tauscher had also bullied Leni Loud by ruining her dress and makeup during picture day and locked her in a janitor's closet until evening, Karen never went as far as to outright rape Leni, therefore making Nick Lambert far more worse than what Karen has done.
- Him, aside from Karen Tauscher, are the only two characters in the story that are considered as Hate Sinks.
External Link[]
- Nick Lambert on the Villains Fanon Wiki. (Needs article)
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