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There's something to be said for pride in your work. I have pride in mine. My place, my girls.
~ Nos

Nos is a minor antagonist in the AMC series Into the Badlands.

He is the leader of a smuggling operation in the Outlands which trades rare items and helps people get in and out of the Badlands, which leads to Sunny and Bajie enlisting his help in trying to get back to the Armadillo Territory. He also own multiple Dolls, human sex slaves, a practice that eventually puts him into practice with Sunny.

He was portrayed by Marc Rissmann.

What Makes Him Hated?[]

  • He is a smuggler that helps people get in and out of the Badlands, but he also makes a great deal of his profits from selling his Dolls, human slaves that he forces into prostitution.
  • He has the Dolls start when they are children, something that he did to Portia when she was a child and plans to do with her daughter Amelia.
  • Despite him and Bajie having worked together in the past, the two don't actually seem to like each other since Nos jokingly threatens him and Bajie is visibly uncomfortable with Nos' abuse of the Dolls.
  • He mistreats his workers, jokingly threatening them with Nathaniel Moon's Clipper sword and making them visibly afraid.
  • He is an outright pedophile, commenting on the body of Amelia and planning to turn her into a sex slave, even picking her up and groping her at one point.
  • If he feels that his Dolls have not properly satisfied his guests he beats them with a lash.
  • His plan to turn Amelia into a Doll leads to Portia begging Sunny to help her by killing Nos. While Sunny doesn't agree to do it, Nos finds out and proceeds to horrifically scar Portia's face for having plotted against him, making her worthless as a Doll.
  • Despite Sunny and Bajie having made a deal with him, Nos decides to show Sunny the scarred Portia and grope Amelia in front of him for no reason other than just to upset him.
  • Sunny asks if he can leave with Portia and Amelia, Nos tells him to come back in a few months, saying that Amelia will be "all broken in" after that.
  • Nos tells Sunny to leave while he still can, and proceeds to stab Portia in the back in front of her own daughter, causing Sunny to attack Nos' men in a rage.
  • When it becomes clear that Sunny is going to defeat Nos' men, Nos proceeds to try and kill Amelia just to spite Sunny.
  • While Sunny and Bajie manage to escape with Portia and Amelia, Nos ultimately doesn't face any further consequences and survives to the end of the series.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Armadillo Territory
Ajax | Corro

Butterfly Territory
The Widow's Husband

Fox Territory
Juliet Chau | Alexander & Ophelia Chau

The Black Lotus

The River King | The Engineer | Nos
