Hate Sink Wiki

O'Connor is a supporting antagonist in Season 1 of Marvel's The Punisher. He is a fraud who uses the cover of being a Vietnam veteran to spout extremist rhetoric at group therapy sessions. He is notable for his role in corrupting the traumatized veteran Lewis Wilson.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He is a xenophobe and anti-Semite who claims that "Jews run the internet".
  • He is a supremacist who sees white males as an oppressed minority that needs to be armed.
  • He takes advantage of a group therapy for war veterans to push his extreme views on others.
  • He looks down on the members of Curtis' group therapy for suffering from trauma while never having been in any war himself.
  • He shows disgust at Curtis for attempting to help other veterans.
  • Despite all his big talk he shows himself to be a coward when he and Lewis are approached by the police, fleeing the scene and allowing Lewis to be arrested,
  • He doesn't even attempt to bail Lewis out of jail, further showing that he doesn't truly care about him.
  • When Lewis confronts him with the truth he claims that the Jews altered his military record and then tells him to get out.
  • When Lewis and he are having a fight over him being a fraud he attacks him with a knife.
  • His actions and death have a very negative impact on Lewis' fragile psyche and lead him to become a murderous terrorist.

External Links[]



Hate Sinks

High Evolutionary | Theel | William Rawlins | Arthur Walsh | Brooke | Daniel Whitehall | Donald Menken | Dr. Kafka | Diamondback | D'Spayre | Ellen Nadeer | Fight Promoter | General Dreykov | Gideon Malick | Glenn Talbot | Hammerhead | Harold Meachum | Ward Meachum | Justin Hammer | Laufey | O' Connor | Rapu | Raza | Supreme Intelligence | Venom | Red Hulk | Aida | Brad Davis | Ajax | Headmaster | Dr. Zander Rice | Vuk | Carlton Drake | Deacon Frost | Glenn Talbot | HulkKing | Kasius | Sadie Deever | Sonny Burch | Yellowjacket | Zeus | Mr. Paradox

Alistair Smythe | Anna Watson | Herbert Landon | Graydon Creed | Henry Gyrich | Ultimate Goblin | Ultron | Fabian Cortez | Principal Kelly | Duncan Matthews | Princess Zanda | Keemia Marko

Dr. Stillwell | Scorpion | Hammerhead | Simon Krieger | Glenn Talbot

Doctor Octopus: Amazing Spider-Man | Marvel Noir
Others: Jones | Judge DuPrey | Mickey Fane, Polly Hu and Eleventhree | Mister Brownstone | Burglar | Nicky Cavella | Nightshade (Ghost Rider) | George Reagan | Norman Osborn (Marvel, What If? Secret Invasion) | Ultron-1320 | Reed Richards (Marvel Zombies) | The Slavers | The Thousand | Henry Peter Gyrich | Fabian Cortez | Inspector Krahn | Venom (Raimiverse) | William Rawlins | Apex (Avengers Arena) | Agent Roger Dooley | Dum Dum Dugan | Red Skull (Secret Empire) | Colonel De Sade | Vincent Rosa | Heavy (The Punisher) | Magneto (Ultimate X-Men) | Ultimate Deadpool | Abomination (2008 Novelization) | Red Skull (Marvel, Secret Empire) | Mephisto (Marvel) | Childs | Carlton Drake | Contagion | Cristu Bulat | Eleventhree | Glenn Talbot (Marvel) | Jigsaw (MAX)

Old Man Logan:
Mysterio | Red Skull | Hulk

Marvel Fanfilm Universe:
Electro | Druig | Krakkan |Taserface | Prowler
Ultimate Marvel Movies:
Cashier | Superior Spider | Norman Osborn
Others: Green Goblin |Galactus | Agent Levine

See Also
DC Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | Disney Hate Sinks
