Hate Sink Wiki

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Look, I know his kind. They look innocent, but they're not innocent. They're criminals.
~ Blake's pathetic racist rant after he shot the boy.

Officer Blake is the main antagonist of the YouTube short film "Police Officer Gets Life In Prison For Killing Black Boy, Watch What Happens" by Vid Chronicles. He is an evil racist officer who shot a boy for no reason and faced backlash from his partners.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He shot a black boy two times in the head and killed him because he "thought he saw a gun" on the boy, although it was actually a lie.
  • He had the audacity to fake remorse and say he was taking the "necessary precautions" because the boy was "wearing a hoodie."
  • He begs his partners to tell the chief that this was all an accident and he did everything to "save" the boy.
  • He goes on a racist rant about black people and is clueless to his partner's "we all bleed red" speech.
  • He cowardly tries to walk away and tell his empty lies as the backup cops arrive.
  • He hypocritically tries to talk his way out of arrest by saying "we're police officers, we gotta stick together", when he completely went against the law.
  • The boy's mother screamed and cried very loudly as she saw her dead son, thinking the good cops did it. One of the officers noted "this is not right, that is someone's son, that could've been my son."
  • He obviously deserved getting punched in the face by the other officer, getting put in handcuffs and being imprisoned to spend the rest of his life behind bars.
  • He is taken completely seriously and as a symbolism of evil cops with zero redeeming qualities, and all his partners are the complete opposite of him.

External Links[]


            Vid Chronicles Hate Sinks

Auntie Nima | Danton | Human Trafficker | Liam | Little Jamar | Mishawna | Nate | Officer Blake
