Hate Sink Wiki
Percy Wetmore Horrified

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Geh. Geh. Geh. Geh. Geh. One mind. One body. One glance by my eyes... and your mind will be split in two. A mind and body split in two... belong to me as one. Sternritter "L"! PePe "The Love" is here!
~ PePe's introduction.

PePe Waccabrada is a minor antagonist from the manga/anime series, Bleach. He is a member of the Wandenreich's Sternritter, designated with the letter "L" - "The Love".

He is voiced by Ryu Yamaguchi and Zeno Robinson in the Japanese and English versions of the anime.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He shows no care for his fellow Quinces and only cares about himself.
  • Although, he follows Yhwach’s orders, he doesn’t have any loyalty to Yhwach.
  • He has a messed up concept of love.
  • During his first invasion, he sadistically took control of the gatekeeper, Jidanbo, to cause a massacre on Squad 12 members.
  • During the second invasion, he took control of Hisagi and Meninas with the latter being forced to kill Liltotto and intends to take all the glory for himself after defeating these Shinigami.
  • He sadistically put Byakuya in difficult position after controlling Hisagi and the latter’s Zanpakuto until Mayuri arrived with the zombie Kensei and Rose.
  • He tried to take control of Kensei as he mentioned that he took control of Giselle’s zombie many time, only for not work due the Mayuri’s zombie to not know love, which is satisfying to see his ego crushed.
  • When he was confronted by Liltotto, who survived her fight, he cowardly beg for his life only for her to eat him out of his disgusting action, making his fate well-deserving.
  • Unlike any Bleach Villain who has Entertaining Qualities Pepe Has None and is Pervert Freak

External Links[]


           Bleach-logo Hate Sinks

Baraggan Louisenbairn | Nnoitra Gilga | Zommari Rureaux | Szayelaporro Granz | Aaroniero Arruruerie | Yammy Llargo

Luppi Antenor | Loly Aivirrne

PePe Waccabrada | Giselle Gewelle | Driscoll Berci

Shrieker | Great Old One

Exclusive to Outside Manga
Ryo Utagawa | Makoto Kibune | Tokinada Tsunayashiro

