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How many have you betrayed, I wonder? Aerys, Eddard Stark, me... King Robert as well? Lord Arryn, Prince Rhaegar? Where does it begin, Pycelle?
~ Tyrion confronting Pycelle on his cravenness.

{{Quote| Grand Maester Pycelle is a supporting antagonist in the novels series A Song Of Ice And Fire and the TV series Game of Thrones. He is a cowardly and syncopathic Grand Maester of the Citadel who dabbles in poison and politics, serving only to survive. He served in King's Landing and on the small council for over 40 years and served for six kings.

He was portrayed by Julian Glover.

What makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He is a cowardly, spineless ingrate who focuses more on his own survival rather than the good of the realm. Unlike Varys and Littlefinger, who both sport many evil is cool moments through their dialogues, intelligence, and charm, Pycelle has none of these traits.
  • Despite his loyalty to House Lannister, all of them either see him as a tool or just being a repulsive person in general.
  • Betrays King Aerys II Targaryen for Lord Tywin Lannister by convincing him to open the gates for the Lannister army, causing thousands of Targaryen men to be slaughtered. For his betrayal, he was rewarded with a place in the Small Council.
  • When Jon Arryn been poisoned (by Arryn's wife) and knows about this, he let him to die because he understand’s Cersei’s incest.
  • Although Varys is no hero, he repeatedly blame him for being disloyal to the kingdom, and enjoys mocking his tragic backstory into a eunuch.
  • Agreed with Robert Baratheon’s plan to assassinate a pregnant Daenerys Targaryen, who is still a teenager.
  • Called to Eddard Stark "a traitor" and encouraging Joffrey Baratheon to execute him.
  • He enjoys bullying the sympathetic Tyrion in many different ways, and cowers whenever he is bullied back:
    • Tries to weasel his way out of being thrown into the black cells by asserting his “loyalty” to House Lannister.
    • Gloats to an injured Tyrion that he is no longer Hand of the King, while also mocking his injuries.
    • Intentionally dropping a letter, mocking Tyrion’s dwarfism before claiming he has old fingers as an excuse for this.
    • Laughing at Joffrey’s show of the War of the Five Kings.
    • Testifies at Tyrion’s trial by twisting his jests as out-of-context threats, showers praise into Joffrey, and even uses poison from Ser Dontos to further frame Tyrion.
  • He is also a dirty old man, sleeping with a prostitute in the TV series and a very young serving girl in the novels. He also flirts with various handmaidens at Tyrion and Sansa’s wedding, and a woman at Joffrey’s wedding before being dismissed by Cersei.
  • Laughed at Sansa being humiliated by Joffrey.
  • While he was brutally killed by Qyburn, which Qyburn admits he didn't deserve, it doesn't make him any easier to be a repulsive person. He was actually killed for his betrayal of Cersei mentioned above.
  • Though he is admittedly cunning and sharp, they make him more hatable rather than magnificent.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Both Continuities:
Amory Lorch | Craster | Gregor Clegane | Janos Slynt | Kraznys mo Nakloz | Mero | Polliver | Pycelle | Ramsay Bolton | Rorge | Sorcerer | The Tickler | Viserys Targaryen | Walder Frey

Novels Only:
Alliser Thorne | Arnolf Karstark | Axell Florent | Boros Blount | Brave Companions | Chett | Clayton Suggs | Dalton Greyjoy | Ellyn Reyne | Edwyn Frey | Little Walder Frey | Mago | Marillion | Mountain's Men | Rossart | Rafford | Ryman Frey | Shagwell | Vargo Hoat | Maegor I Targaryen

Television Series Only:
Aerys II Targaryen | Balon Greyjoy | Biter | Black Walder Rivers | Brant | Derek | Euron Greyjoy | Belicho Paenymion | Craghas Drahar | Dagmer Cleftjaw | Greizhen mo Ullhor | Joffrey Baratheon | Karl Tanner | Lem Lemoncloak | Locke | Lothar Frey | Lowell | Master Torturer | Meryn Trant | Myranda | Rast | Septa Unella | Smalljon Umber | Razdal mo Eraz | The Waif | Tom | Weasel | Xaro Xhoan Daxos

Telltale Game:
Britt Warrick | Gryff Whitehill | Ludd Whitehill

Ramsay Snow (Our Blades Are Sharp) | Ser Willem Bootle (Robb Returns) | Edwyn Dickon (Robb Returns) | Aegon Targaryen (The Saddest Love Story In Westeros)

Gregor Clegane (Patroni In Winterfell)
