Hate Sink Wiki

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Ralph Spanks: Well Francis... I'll have you know that... if a ever find myself behind those sumptuous hind quarters... it's... Well... in the name

Drill Sargent (the baby): Slut

~ The only time Ralph has been outted for being a creep.

Ralph Spanks is a major antagonist of the AO3 Parody series you're supposed to be enemies, he is a solder who tries to get one of the main characters to love him.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • For starters he tries to get Francis to fall in love with him even though he is already in a relationship with Rogers.
    • This would lead to him being choked by Rogers (which is very deserved) and get called a slut by Drill Sergeant (which he isn't wrong on one bit).
  • He lies about living in Texas even though on his paperwork he actually lives in Minnesota.
  • He frames Rogers about being a neglectful father to his and Francis child Drill Sergeant by probably pushing him and half drowning him and then telling this lie to Francis so that he dumps Rogers and gets with him instead.


  • He is one of the most hated characters in the series and even his own creator (Eryk Is Tired) hates him adding to his hate sink status.