Hate Sink Wiki
NOTE: This page is about the fanon version of Regina Cunningham, as her mainstream counterpart is not a Hate Sink.

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Regina Cunningham: You think that you can stop what's about to happen? No. All you're going to do is watch, and someday, if you were to have your own kids, you'll be like I was.

Jessica Guilder: I'll never be anything like you.
Regina Cunningham: If you're not going to be like me, you're not going to be like any human being on this planet.

~ Regina attempting to kill Jessica while having her in a chokehold.

Regina Cunningham is the main antagonist in the Wattpad fanfiction The offspring.

She was a mother who had an unknown career. After the death of her son, she blamed Dennis Guilder for it, and as a result, later became the arch-enemy of Jessica Ryan Guilder.

What makes her a Hate Sink?[]

  • Even before the events of the fanfiction, Regina flat-out refused to allow Arnie to keep Christine at her house, citing that it would "make the yard look crowded."
    • This implies that her tragedy of going through the death of her son does nothing to justify her actions.
  • Along with her husband Micheal, she abetted the murders done by Christine, leading to her being arrested along with Micheal.
    • Furthermore, Regina denies all responsibility, selfishly blaming her son's death on Dennis Guilder.
  • Ordered Micheal Cunningham to kidnap Jessica Ryan Guilder, not even caring that she is the daughter of Dennis and Leigh Cabot-Guilder.
  • Left Jessica Guilder to die after padlocking her in the garage.
  • Attempted to guilt-trip Jessica into believing her father is responsible for Arnie's death.
  • Revived and enslaved the Repperton Gang, then sent them to kill Jessica, her family, and her allies, not even caring that they bullied Arnie in the past.
  • Tried to kill her husband Micheal Cunningham after he redeems himself.
  • Mocked Micheal when he could not bring himself to kill her.
  • Even though Regina didn't plan on countless lives being lost, she still didn't care that it would happen if her machine was destroyed.
  • She would attempt to kill Leigh before Jessica shoots Regina, giving her a well-deserved death for her actions.


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