Hate Sink Wiki

Richard Detmer is the secondary antagonist of the 2012 found-footage film, Chronicle. He is the father of the main protagonist, Andrew Demter, and spends most of his time belittling and abusing his son.

He was portrayed by Michael Kelly, who also played Doug Stamper in House of Cards and Arquette in Black Mirror.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He's an abusive drunk who constantly spends his days going out to get wasted or drinking by himself at home.
  • He comes into Andrew's room and hits him for not having opened the door earlier in the day when Richard asked him to.
  • When Andrew is going to partake in the talent show, Richard completely ignores this and doesn't give him any encouraging words, only bringing up how Andrew's somehow getting to school without Matt picking him up and warning Andrew he couldn't keep secrets from him.
  • When Karen's having a pain episode and Andrew desperately calls for Richard to ask where her medication was, he instead goes into Andrew's room and is heavily implied to be looking for money to steal from his son.
  • Upon finding his son's camera and looking through the footage, he calls Andrew selfish for buying a $500 camera while Karen was dying, even though the camera was a gift from his cousin to replace the one he lost before.
  • He calls his son a loser, saying that the people he was hanging out with weren't really his friends and that he was an embarrassment.
  • He accuses his son of running around spending all of his money, and when Andrew insists he didn't, Richard continues by stating all his money was being spent on his mother's medication and Andrew's school. When Andrew rightfully points out that you don't pay to go to public school and calls him an idiot, Richard immediately reacts with hostility, throws a table, and beats him onto the ground.
  • He blames Andrew for spending money and not helping his mother while claiming he's spending all his own money and time on treating Karen, even though he clearly has the money to pay for alcohol and can't bother to get another job despite appearing to be in decent physical shape, instead solely mooching off of his insurance.
  • His remarks about none of the people in Andrew's video being in friends brings out Andrew's insecurities and make him believe Steve didn't really care about him and wouldn't have been friends with him if they didn't get their powers. This would inadvertently lead to Steve's death.
  • When Andrew is in the hospital, Richard reveals that Karen had died the night before. He claims that he wasn't there for her in her final moments because he was out looking for Andrew, which was a blatant lie since Andrew recorded him leaving his car to go to somewhere long before Andrew was put in the hospital. He calls Andrew a selfish asshole, demanding that he apologize to him for taking Richard away from Karen when she needed him, blaming him for Karen's death when it's actually his own fault. This is the final straw that breaks Andrew's psyche and causes him to become a full-blown villain.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Aban-Khan | Jenner | Preed | Lola | Tim | Mr. Gunk | Vincent | Gladys Sharp | Sir Lancelot | Agnes Skinner | King Malbert | Makunga | Derek Dietl | Sid's family | Steffie, Katie, and Meghan | Mandrake | Guy GagnƩ | Ms. Grunion | Creek | Hans, Klaus, and Greta | Major Domo | Lord Piggot-Dunceby | Orson | Grover Fischoeder | Mr. Dowling | Tammy Larsen | Fanny | Hugo Habercore | Jimmy Pesto

Live-Action Features
Attila Mellanchini | Conan Antonio Motti | Liam "Snooks" Brenner | Bishop of Aquila | The Kurgan | Carter J. Burke | Anton Bartok | Colonel William Stuart | Jim | Joyce Monroe | Martin Burney | Henry Evans | Howard Payne | Juno Skinner | King Edward I of England | Elena Dubrow | Albert Nimziki | Abigail Williams | April Smuntz | Phil Fimple | Caledon Hockley | Mason Wren | Steamboat Willie | Sebulba | Aaron the Moor | Collignon | Tom Edison, Jr. | Liz Henson | Chuck | Jack McKay | Vera | June | Bill Henson | Tom Edison, Sr. | Mrs. Henson | Ben | Gloria | Martha | Olivia | Jason | Mr. Henson | Larry Quinn | Kelly | Rasputia Latimore | Stranz Van Waldenberg | Fairchild Van Waldenberg | Darren MacElroy | Assef | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Adolfo Pirelli | Jonas Fogg | Alex Goran | Ryan Edwards | Marko Hoxha | George Harvey | Vanessa | Parker Selfridge | Patty Farrell | Dylan Gould | Steven Jacobs | Dodge Landon | Richard Detmer | Stan Warren | Heather Hills | Fernando Wood | Harold Attinger | Charlie Hesketh | Ajax | Dr. Zander Rice | Poppy Adams | The President | Headmaster | Jatemme Manning | Vector | Craig Grummond | Hal, Mercedes and Charles | Frank

Animated Television
The Simpsons
Agnes Skinner | Kindergarten Teacher | Ms. Cantwell | Ms. Kelp | Jebediah Springfield | Cesar and Ugolin | Judge Constance Harm | Sideshow Bob (Ei8ht) | Seymour Skinner (real) | Stan (Car Salesman) | Judge Constance Harm | Stuart (All's Fair in Oven War) | Contestants (All's Fair in Oven War) | Sasha Reed

Family Guy
Connie DiMico | Jeffery Fecalman | Sheriff Nichols | The Warden | Peter Griffin (Actor)

King Of The Hill
Graydon Creed | Buckley | School Nurse | Dog Trainer | Junie Harper | Willie Lane | Jo Rita | Everett | Caleb | Tommy | Rollo

Bob's Burgers
Fanny (Bob's Burgers) | Deirdre | Denise | Gloria Genarro | Jimmy Pesto | Tammy Larsen | Cynthia Bush | Chuck Charles | Grover Fischoeder | Mr. Dowling | Al Genarro | Logan Bush | Hugo Habercore

Alcazar | Henry | Pang Bing | Krogan

Live-Action Television
Coach Mike Kankle | Warren Mears | Caleb | Billy Blim | Pete Anderson

Count Rugen

Kevin McCallister (Rated-R Home Alone)

See Also
Buena Vista International Hate Sinks | Disney Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Pannonia Film Studio Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hate Sinks
