Hate Sink Wiki

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The Rival Dealers are minor antagonists in Breaking Bad. They were two street-level crystal meth dealers on Gus Fring's payroll, who operated a gang which sold meth on behalf of Los Pollos Hermanos.

They were portrayed by Mike Seal and Antonio Leyba.

What Makes Them Hate Sinks?[]

  • They are capable of corrupting children into becoming thugs and murderers, as seen when they force Tomás Cantillo to shoot Combo to death as a way to intimidate Walter White and Jesse Pinkman.
  • In addition, they had been using Tomás to kill people and sell drugs for Gus.
  • When Gus told them they will no longer involve children in their operations, they killed Tomás, implicitly choosing on their own to go against Gus' direct orders.
  • They attempted to kill Jesse when he planned to kill them to avenge Tomás' death, and would likely have succeeded if not for Walt running them over at the last second.

External Links[]


            / Hate Sinks

The Cartel
Don Eladio | Hector Salamanca

Los Pollos Hermanos
Lydia Rodarte-Quayle | Victor | Tyrus Kitt | Rival Dealers | Kai

Neo-Nazis/Jack Welker's Gang
Kenny | Neil Kandy | Casey

Chad | Emilio Koyama | Ken | Spooge | Spooge's Lady | Betsy Kettleman | Hoffman & Fensky | Rocco, Zane and Jed
