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Rorge, also falsely known as The Hound, is a major antagonist in the A Song of Ice and Fire novel series and a minor antagonist in its television adaptation, Game of Thrones. He is a dangerous criminal and a sadistic rapist, along with Biter, forcibly recruited into the Night's Watch by Yoren during his visit to King's Landing. During the second novel, he joins the Brave Companions.
In the TV series, he was portrayed by Andy Beckwith.
What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]
- Before Eddard Stark allowed Yoren to enlist him, Biter, and Jaqen H'ghar in the Night's Watch, he raped and killed a severe number of people. Being a pedophile, his favorite rape targets were little girls. He was arrested by King's Landing's City Watch for his crimes and was rotting in the Red Keep's black cells, the lowest level of the dungeons, along with Biter and Jaqen.
- It's implied that he has been gelded in the black cells for his crimes, and for that reason, he is now using solid objects to rape women and girls, which makes his sexual assaults even more heinous.
- taunts Arya to release him for his crimes, for which he was recruited into the night watch. When she doesn't, he threatens to stick a stick in her until she bleeds.
- Due to this he prevented Jakan Hagar from being released or receiving water from Aria.
- He acts as a mercenary for the Lannisters and helps them in the wars, even though Arya saved him.
- he and Biter hurt an old farmer and using him to tempt Sandor Clegane and Arya until they will catch him.
External Links[]
- Rorge on the Villains Wiki.
- Rorge on the Villainous Benchmark Wiki - On the TV show..
- Rorge on the Pure Evil Wiki - Books only..
- Rorge on the Game of Thrones Wiki.
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Both Continuities: Novels Only: Television Series Only: Telltale Game: Fanon: