Hate Sink Wiki

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Roy Phillips is an antagonist of the 2008 game, Fallout 3.

What Makes him a Hate Sink?[]

  • Roy's overall hypocrisy when he uses the discrimination he faces from humans as an excuse to commit genocide against the residents of Tenpenny Tower.
  • Plans his vengeance by unleashing the feral ghouls on the inhabitants of Tenpenny Tower. The Lone Wanderer agrees to help Roy depending on the player's choice.
  • If an evil karma Lone Wanderer didn't destroy Megaton yet but assists Roy in his murder of the humans of Tenpenny Tower, Roy agrees with Mr. Burke that humans living in Megaton should be wiped out. Even though Roy has the power to stop this, he instead deliberately looks the other way, not caring for the deaths of the residents in Megaton (save for Moira Brown, who somehow manages to survive albeit being turned into a ghoul as a result).
  • If the Lone Wanderer chooses the peaceful resolution with the ghouls and the humans living in Tenpenny Tower, Roy Philips still murders everyone living there a few days later and then threatens the Lone Wanderer to do the same thing to them if they don't do what he says.
  • What's ironic is that Roy Phillips has Good Karma, which strongly contradicts his worst atrocities being shown, and if killed by the Lone Wanderer, they will lose karma and Three Dog ends up condemning the Lone Wanderer. However, if Three Dog discovers Roy Phillips' horrible actions, he will instead condemn Roy Phillips.


  • In a twisted sense of irony, Roy Phillips is the first and only Hate Sink from the Fallout series to have Good Karma.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Myron | Joane Lynnette | Colin Moriarty | Roy Phillips | Stanislaus Braun | Eulogy Jones | Cassandra Moore | Dermot and Saint James | Cook-Cook | Father Elijah | Salt-Upon-Wounds
