Hate Sink Wiki

Sarah Wellington is a minor antagonist from The Wild Thornberries Movie.

What Makes Her A Hate Sink?[]

  • While Sloan and Bree Blackburn are the main villains, they are not revealed to be the villains until halfway throughout the movie and only appear briefly in the beginning. So Sarah Wellington takes the role of the antagonist when Eliza is sent to boarding school.
  • When introducing herself to Eliza, she acts like a snob.
  • While the other girls at boarding school are friendly to Eliza (they decide to get into a food fight, but are nice enough otherwise), Sarah Wellington herself isn’t friendly.
  • She is shown to be possessive of her friends, implying that she doesn’t consider them to be true friends.
  • Her humiliation during the food fight is not treated for sympathy, partly due to the role that she played in starting it.
  • Though she agrees to help Eliza get back to Africa, she does so partly due to pragmatism, as she will have her boarding room to herself again.