ā | With the war declared, the King took Sanna by force, and lay with her for seven days and seven nights, until the Mother of Those Beneath Us was broken beneath the King. When this was completed, he rose in her blood, and was from then on known as Shormaush Urdal - the Scarlet King. | ā |
~ The Scarlet King declaring his new name and his war. |
Khahrahk, later known famously as the Scarlet King, is a major antagonist in the SCP Foundation Mythos in the Djoricverse.
What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]
- Even when he was young he was already evil as he killed his brothers and sisters and devoured them.
- Killed countless gods merely because he was in pain and those he didn't kill were enslaved.
- He is selfish as if he is in pain, all must be destroyed, even if he destroys creation to stop his pain, it's fine for him to ruin it for everyone else.
- He forced the wise and beautiful goddess Sanna to become his ''bride'' and then he raped her so badly for SEVEN DAYS that she died.
- What makes it worse is Sanna is implied to alredy had have a familly as she had a grandson who knew her meaning Sanna most likely alredy had a husband and kids where she was taken from
- He covered himself in her blood on purpose, explaining why he called himself the Scarlet King.
- When he had his seven daughters he took them as his concubines and raped them too, but unlike their mother who died, they didn't as he placed a seal on them so they would never die when he rapes them to create Leviathans.
- He is a coward as when his daughter A'nuht had children, he was scared of their powers and had them crippled so they would not rise against him (even if they were loyal and never showed they would). When he sees All Death he cowers and never even bothers to try to fight him and simply rages.
- He is overconfident explaning how he lost.
- He stole Sanna's relm the darkness below
- When A'habbat his youngest and weakest daughter raised against him he banished her.
- He ate his servants at the end, including his daughters proving he shows no care for anyone but himself
- He corrupted countless beings to be as evil, including creating rape blood cults.
- Even his most loyal servants (Including his daughters/concubines/generals) hate him and obey him out of fear and are enslaved.
- He abducts woman, men and others so he can force them into his harem where he rapes them.
- What makes it worse is a men tried to escape and he got killed by him brutally
- He is a deprevated Pansexual meaing he will rape ANYONE
- When he finally died and was sent to hell (somewhere where he absolutely deserved) the only survivng hero Isabel Wondertainment V and her alies the brothers death spat on his lifeless corpse he slayed the other six (one being his own daughter) granted she helped in his death but still he killed his daughter.
- He corropted Lilly to rape and abuse her husband Alto Clef
- Only the Djoricverse version of the Scarlet King is a Hate Sink as some iterations he was either Tragic, suffer from moral agency issues or even outright benevolent.
External Link[]
- Scarlet King (Djoricverse only) Scarlet King on Pure Evil Wiki
- Scarlet King (All Versions) Scarlet King on Villans Wiki