“ | Screw you Cioccolata! You though I get all weepy over you? Give me a break loser. You lost to clowns! Aren't you suppose to be some kinda genius? [...] On top of that your super strong... At least I thought you ware. It's the only reason why I been bothering to listen to you this entire time. But it turns out your just another weakling! You totally eat shit out there! Well guess what! I don't want to hang out with you anymore, so Kiss. My. Ass! | „ |
~ Secco showing his true colors. |
Secco is a minor antagonist in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, serving as the secondary antagonist of the "Green Day and Oasis" arc. He is a member of Diavolo's elite team Unità Speciale, alongside his master, with his stand being know as Oasis.
In Japanese, he was voiced by Takayasu Usui in the PS2 video-game adaptation of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind, Hiro Shimono in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All Star Battle, and Kenichirō Ōhashi/KENN in the anime adaptation. In English, he was voiced by Erik Scott Kimerer.
What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]
- After meeting Cioccolata as a patient, he became his partner and camera man, filming him brutally torturing and murdering people.
- He filmed Cioccolata mutilating Sorbet and Gelato.
- After getting attacked by Bucciarati, he immediately crawls away, pathetically overreacting at his face being punched, acting like a child.
- He records his fight with Bucciarati, simply for the sadistic enjoyment it could bring him and Cioccolata later on.
- After finding out that Cioccolata is dead, he immediately berated his former partner by saying he was weak, even destroying the camera they used to film their crimes.
- While Cioccolata was a horrible person, Secco doesn't show any remorse for the horrible things he did alongside him, even outright saying that he only followed him because he was strong, showing that he did them out of his own sadistic will and only acted as Cioccolata's pet to take advantage of his strength and get fed treats.
- He keeps taunting Bucciarati during their fight by calling him a pest and saying that he has no way of winning.
- He shows himself to be a narcissist, thinking of himself to be better than everyone else and throwing childish tantrums when being corrected.
- After losing his hearing and getting his leg broken, in his last act of desperation he grabs Doppio as a hostage and changes his plans from killing the boss to reporting his deeds to him, thinking that it will be his next strong master that can treat him as a pet, not even realizing that Doppio is the boss himself, just under a different personality.
- Him getting his arm attached to his chest by Bucciarati and ending up in the same burnable garbage truck his former master ended up in are played for karmic satisfaction.
External links[]
- Secco on the Villains Wiki
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