The Sewer King is the main antagonist of Batman: The Animated Series episode The Underwellers. He is a child slaver who forces them to steal and forces them to be silent and tortures them by Blinding them in the Light Room
He is Voiced by the late Michael Pataki.
What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]
- He would torture the kids whenever they talked.
- When he tells his "lessons" to the children, he yells at them to not talk, which scares them.
- He punishes a kid named Jack for talking by putting him in the light room to be blinded in hours to be a "bright boy"
- When he tells his second "lesson", he yells at the kids to go steal some more stuff from the surface.
- After he yells at them to go, he laughs crazy at them, which shows how maniacal and narcissistic he is.
- When he finds out that the kid named Frog is missing, he violently grabs Jack by the hand, throws some stuff away from the table, and coldly calls the kids "monsters".
- He claims that he cares for the children, but he doesn’t in reality. Instead, he made their lives miserable by encouraging them to not speak, live in darkness, and wear shabby clothes.
- He threw the table in a fit of anger, almost hurting the children. He even said that nobody should be able to eat until Frog is found.
- He yells at the children to leave.
- He tries to kill Jack by feeding him to his pet crocodiles.
- He accuses Batman of frightening his “beloved children”, but he treats them horribly.
- When Batman Kicks him off Batman tells him to grab his Hand But he angrily refuses
- When Batman saves him from getting run over by the train, he asks him why he saved meaning he would rather let himself get killed than be alive
- His treatment of the children almost made Batman break his no-kill rule.
- His actions are so gross and repulsive, that even Batman was willing to use lethal force on him for what he did to the children.
Cinematic Universe Arrowverse: Animation Animated Universe: Static Shock: Videogames Arkhamverse: Comics/Novels Fanon See Also |