Hate Sink Wiki

Shamus (known as Suwama in the Japanese version) is a minor antagonist in Pokémon: Best Wishes.

He was voiced by Jun Fukuyama in the original Japanese version and by Billy Bob Thompson in the English dubbed version.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He forcibly tied Tepig to a post by the snout to suffocate it, abandoning it to die from starvation.
  • He forces other trainers into battle with him and take their Pokémon when he beats them.
  • When he is revealed to be the one who abandoned Tepig, he shows no remorse for it.
  • He throws Tepig when Ash and Iris tell him to apologize.
  • Shamus's abuse traumatizes Tepig to where it fears being abandoned again, and it even causes Tepig to have a lack of confidence in facing its former trainer.
  • He takes manipulates Tepig's feelings to attempt an easy win against Ash.
  • When Tepig evolves into Pignite and beats his Emboar and Heatmor, he attempts to get Pignite to come back to him while insulting Ash at the same time.
    • However, this causes Pignite to refuse to go with him and breathes fire on Shamus as payback for abandoning the latter as Pignite happily chooses to stay with Ash.


  • Shamus is similar to Damian in that both of them were abusive trainers who abandoned fire type Pokemon that would later join Ash. However, Shamus is considered worse due to deliberately inducing physical harm to Tepig before abandoning it.

External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Damian | Dario | Gengar's Former Trainer | Koji | Shamus | Mantle | Rose | Dee Dunstan | Dr. Zed | Rico | Grings Kodai | Ghetsis (Pokémon Generations) | Iron-Masked Marauder | Princess Allie


Ghetsis (Pokémon Adventures)

Main Games
Charon | Melli | Ardos

Spin-Off Games

Scrapped Folklore: The Woman's Friends

Others: Bianca (Scrapped Wishes) | Volo's Father | The AI (Pokemon Maroon) | Hans (Pokémon Revenge of the Island) | Colonel Hansen (Pokémon Odyssey) | Faba (Ultra Eclipse) | Ares (Arc of Juliana) | Seymour (Gumbino) | Misty (Pokémon: Journey Until The Very End) | Unnamed Female Trainer (The Most Evil Pokemon Trainer) | Typhlosion (Mistranslated Folklore)

Pokémon Hearted Souls:
Silver | Harrison

Pokemon Dominion:
Goh | Obstagoon | Daniel | Kayla | Georgia | Faba | Julia | Sharkpedo

Pokémon Forever Wishes:
Shaw | Burgundy | Georgia | Trip

Pokemon Zero:
Shamus | Serena's Father

Pokémon: A Marvelous Journey:
Hester Amoretto | Caiseal's Biological Parents/Fergus and Nollaig Brownstone

Pokémon Shattered Dimensions:
Mindy | Paul | Tobias

Blue | Virgilax

Starter Squad:
Gaven | Weepinbell | Chimchar

Pokémon Retold: Black:
Amber/Hil's Mother | Ghetsis

Pokémon Reset Bloodlines:
Damian | Joshua | Dario | Gary/Ash's Father | Rookie Crusher

Pokémon Jotho Fables:

Silver (My Little Pokémon) | Sara Diktaylis (Infinity Train: Seeker of Crocus)
