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Warren Pike is the main antagonist of the 1999 film Life.

His younger counterpart was portrayed by Ned Vaughn, and his older counterpart was portrayed by the late R. Lee Ermey, who also portrayed Sgt. Hartman in Full Metal Jacket and Sheriff Hoyt in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre franchise.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He banished his former friend (Hancock) from his local town out of spite.
  • He then murdered Hancock after the friend hit his face out of self-defense. It cannot be considered as self-defense in his case because he was the one who threw the first hit at Hancock's leg.
  • He is directly responsible for the false imprisonment of Winston Hancock and Ray Gibson, despite it being him who committed the crime, making him a Karma Houdini. That was until Dexter Wilkins shot him giving him a comeuppance years later.
  • He admitted that he merely got the two sentenced to prison just to force them into doing hard labor for 40+ years.
  • To make matters worse, he taunted the two when they were awaiting their trial to be sent to prison for something that was solely his fault.
  • It could be implied that he did the same to more victims as well.
  • Forty years after having the two innocent men falsely accused of murder and sent to prison, he attempted to kill the two when they found out that it was him again.
  • He was highly racist as he blatantly called the pair the N-word.
  • He was indirectly responsible for Wilkins' death by a heart attack in the bathroom, which kept the pair in prison until they were in their senior citizenship since they were never pardoned.
  • Overall, he has absolutely no redeeming qualities to him, the only thing that seems close to redeeming for him is his ambiguous love for his wife, which is unconfirmed by the creators of the movie.
  • He is a scarily accurate portrayal of police brutality and corrupt police officers and the effects that they have on falsely accused inmates (the movie is strongly based on a real-life tale).
  • While the movie itself is meant to be a comedy movie, he detracts from the comedic tone of the movie by his very presence alone by adding a purely dark tone to it.


External Links[]


            Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Warren T. Rat | The Bullying Orphans | Sharptooth | Tower | El Supremo | Steele | Mr. Grasping | Chief McBrusque | Toplofty and O'Bloat | Rinkus and Sierra | Lola | Vincent | Gladys Sharp | Sir Lancelot | Makunga | Botticelli Remorso | Derek Dietl | Miss Hattie | Carnival Barker | Antonio Perez | Shannon | Valerie Da Vinci | Sensei O'Sullivan | Aloysius O'Hare | The Once-ler's Family (The Once-ler's Mother, Brett and Chet, Aunt Grizelda & Uncle Ubb) | Guy Gagné | Ms. Grunion | Chef Bergen | Creek | Lance | Idrees | Bellroc | Zong-Shi | Jimmy Crystal | Klaus Kickenklober | Perrito's Former Owners

Live-Action Features
Max Cady | Bob Ewell | Baron Vladimir Harkonnen | Brian's Mother | Brian's Father | Biff Tannen (Bad Future) Bug | Phil Simpson | Miss Kettlewell | Brett C. Shelton | Vera Cosgrove | Uncle Les | Donald Gennaro | Dennis Nedry | Lewis Dodgson (Original and Film Version) | Captain Amazing | Casanova Frankenstein | Amon Goeth | Cliff Vandercave | Juno Skinner | Duchess | Hoggetts' Granddaughter | The Granddaughter's Parents | David McCall | Dr. Jonas Miller | King Einon | Patricia Bradley | Johnny Bartlett | Dieter Stark | Mike | April Smuntz | Phil Fimple | Nick Kudrow | Steamboat Willie | Sheriff Warren Pike | Marcus Andrews | William Wharton | Percy Wetmore | William Johns | Patrick Bateman | Mayor Augustus Maywho | David Griffin | Mason Verger | Frank Slater | Marty Wolf | David Banner | Mia | Larry Quinn | Captain Hook | David Fastidious | Selma Quickly | Drake Merwin | Rasputia Latimore | Stranz Van Waldenberg | Fairchild Van Waldenberg | Darren MacElroy | Assef | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Adolfo Pirelli | Jonas Fogg | Dollface | Abomination | Emperor Han | Alex Goran | George Harvey | Vanessa | Dylan Gould | Bumper Allen | Brooke | Fernando Wood | Santana | The Woman in White | Barb Pierce | Zack White | Ray | Albert | Harold Attinger | Blaire Lily | Vic Hoskins | Trevor Olson | John Cooke | Armitage Family (Rose Armitage, Dean Armitage, Jeremy Armitage, Missy Armitage, Marianne Armitage & Roman Armitage) | Cipher | Simone | Dr. Foley | Lori Spengler | Dr. Gregory Butler | Danielle Bouseman | Fergus Hobart | Rallah | Eli Mills | Ken Wheatley | Gunnar Eversol | Dr. Ranbir Sartain | Tarby Corrigan | Woody Mingo | Ben Hawkins | Mercedes | Debra Hammer | Ice Show Director | Theatre Director | Theatre Producer | Angry Man on Bus | The Invisible Man | Tom Griffin | Judge Julius Hoffman | Paul Bernardi | Jack | Jocasta | Logan Ash | Valdo Obruchev | The Grabber | Ryder Muybridge | Terry Tramer | Stacy | Billy | Doug Mulaney | Joan Cunningham | Nelson Christopher | DJ Willy The Kid | Jeremy Allen | Celia | Brandon | Aimes | Doug | Aunt Jane | Jeff | Scott | Marshall Riggs

Animated Television
Burgermeister Meisterburger | Oliver | Pang Bing | Bloodwolf | Krogan | Sendak | Queen Usurna | D-Stroy | Dr. Emilia | Bernice Krupp | Alpha Mom and Dad | Dr. Emilia's Father | Daniel Kon | Kash D. Langford | Mitch & Tiff | Eli Mills | Frederic Estes | Turtleneck Superstar | Happy Sedengry | Outside Consultant Baby | Bellroc | Biff Tannen

Live-Action Television
Henry Van Statten | William Lewis | Peter Bester | Lexy Cross | Junior Wheeler | Lucas Wheeler | Dr. Mixter

Queen Nerissa (Breaking The Generational Cycle) | Sky (Madagascar 4: Skipper's Story) | Lord Farquaad (YTP: Lord Fuckquaad sexually assaults a biscuit)

See Also
20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Blumhouse Productions Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Illumination Hate Sinks | Jurassic Park Hate Sinks | Miramax Hate Sinks | Netflix Hate Sinks | Rankin/Bass Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | WingNut Films Hate Sinks
