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Sigmund is an antagonist from Runescape, who appears in the cave goblin quest series.

What Makes Him A Hate Sink?[]

  • Despite being human rather than a god or a member of a Zamorakian or Bandosian race, Sigmund stands out as one of the vilest beings in Runescape, with his actions being very impressive despite mostly lacking in superpowers.
  • He is racist towards goblins. While it is understandable at first due to the fact that goblins are known to be violent (in no small part due to their god Bandos), he targets the innocuous Dorgeshuun tribe. He knows that the Dorgeshuun are not evil, but plans to wipe them out anyway.
  • Unlike Duke Horacio, who willingly forms an alliance with the Dorgeshuun when he realizes that they are not a threat to his kingdom, Sigmund allows his racism to consume him. Furthermore, he attempts to force Duke Horacio to go to war with the Dorgeshuun tribe. When Duke Horacio finds out about his plan, Sigmund is subsequently fired.
  • He attempts to flood Dorgesh-Kaan (where the Dorgeshuun live) with a drill. When Zanik finds out about the plan, he has her tortured to death.
  • He later attempts to start a war between the Dorgeshuun and the dwarves.
  • He has a H.A.M. agent poison Dorgeshuun children.
  • He has Grubfoot (a peaceful goblin) tortured.
  • When Zanik (who has been resurrected at that point) decides to kill him in retaliation for torturing her to death, he decides he would rather die than live in a world full of goblins.
  • While his colleague Johanhus changes his viewpoint on the Dorgeshuun, Sigmund never changes his ways.
  • Duke Horacio decides that he is not upset to see Sigmund gone when he discovers that he has died, though Johanhus mourns his demise. To put it in simple terms, Sigmund dies alone.

External Links[]
