Hate Sink Wiki

Artie a king? More like the Mayor of Loserville.
~ Lancelot upon hearing that Arthur will be King of Far Far Away.

Sir Lancelot is a minor antagonist in the film Shrek the Third. He is a popular student at Worcestershire Academy, the captain of its jousting team, and the main bully of his classmate Arthur Pendragon.

He was voiced by John Krasinski.

What Makes Him Despicable?[]

  • He is very rude, arrogant and narcissistic and constantly bullies Arthur, even using him as a quintain for jousting and mocking the fact that he will be king.
  • He also disrespects Shrek when meeting him.
  • Along with the rest of the school, he cheers for Shrek to eat Arthur.
  • He is never punished for his actions and likely continues to hurt others at school.
  • Unlike many villains in the Shrek franchise, he has no entertaining qualities.


           DreamWorks Logo Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Lola | Vincent | Gladys Sharp | Sir Lancelot | Makunga | Derek Dietl | Guy Gagné | Ms. Grunion | Chef Bergen | Creek | Bellroc | Zong-Shi | Perrito's Former Owners

Live-Action Features
April Smuntz | Phil Fimple | Steamboat Willie (Saving Private Ryan) | Larry Quinn | Rasputia Latimore | Stranz Van Waldenberg | Fairchild Van Waldenberg | Darren MacElroy | Assef (The Kite Runner) | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Adolfo Pirelli | Jonas Fogg | Alex Goran | George Harvey | Vanessa | Dylan Gould | Fernando Wood | Harold Attinger | Tarby Corrigan | Woody Mingo | Judge Julius Hoffman

Animated Television
Pang Bing | Bloodwolf | Krogan | D-Stroy | Sendak | Queen Usurna | Dr. Emilia | Bernice Krupp | Alpha Mom and Dad | Dr. Emilia's Father | Kash D. Langford | Mitch & Tiff | Eli Mills | Frederic Estes | Turtleneck Superstar | Happy Sedengry | Outside Consultant Baby | Bellroc

Queen Nerissa (Breaking The Generational Cycle) | Sky (Madagascar 4: Skipper's Story) | Lord Farquaad (YTP: Lord Fuckquaad sexually assaults a biscuit)

See Also:
20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Netflix Hate Sinks | Nickelodeon Hate Sinks | Paramount Hate Sinks | Rankin/Bass Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks | WingNut Films Hate Sinks

           ParamountPicturesLogo Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Camp Bullies | Rex Pester | Coco Labouche | Iron-Masked Marauder | Alphonse Perrier du von Scheck | Nick Vermicelli | Sloan Blackburn | Bree Blackburn | Dag | Vincent | Gladys Sharp | Sir Lancelot | Makunga | Derek Dietl | Tortoise John (All Versions) | Sentinel Prime | Darkwing

Live-Action Features
Norma Bates | Frank | Aarfy | Noah Cross | Francesco Ciccio | Gordon Stuart | Attila Mellanchini | Bytes | Jim Renshaw | Major Arnold Ernst Toht | Satipo | Bytes | Chief Guard | Eh Tar | Mrs. Dribb | Frank Nitti | Ellis DeWald | King Edward I of England | Casanova | Kurt Bozwell | Caldeon Hockley | April Smuntz | Phil Fimple | Steamboat Willie | Joseph Campbell | The Snowplow Man | Larry Quinn | Henry Gates | Owen Davian | Denlinger | Rasputia Latimore | Stranz Van Waldenberg | Fairchild Van Waldenberg | Darren MacElroy | Assef | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Adolfo Pirelli | Jonas Fogg | Alex Goran | Taylor | Paul Smith | Zartan | George Harvey | Vanessa | Kenny | Alexander Marcus | Harold Attinger | King Cotys | Reece Tenneson | Burke | Alejandro Gutierrez | Craig Grummond | Judge Julius Hoffman | Zac Tieran | Richie Kirsch | Amber Freeman | Vince Schneider | Jason Carvey | Frankie | Jürgen Voller | Klaber | Attila Mellanchini

Animated Television
Todd Ianuzzi | Pang Bing

Live-Action Television
David Brown | Dr. Georgina Orwell | Aarfy | Carl Buford | Clark Preston | Jerry Tidwell | J.B. Allen | Pete Whipple

See Also
13 Reasons Why Hate Sinks | 20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Amblin Entertainment Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Nickelodeon Hate Sinks | Pannonia Film Studio Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks

           20thCenturyStudiosLogo Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Aban-Khan | Jenner | Preed | Lola | Tim | Mr. Gunk | Vincent | Gladys Sharp | Sir Lancelot | Agnes Skinner | King Malbert | Makunga | Derek Dietl | Sid's family | Steffie, Katie, and Meghan | Mandrake | Guy Gagné | Ms. Grunion | Creek | Hans, Klaus, and Greta | Major Domo | Lord Piggot-Dunceby | Orson | Grover Fischoeder | Mr. Dowling | Tammy Larsen | Fanny | Hugo Habercore | Jimmy Pesto

Live-Action Features
Attila Mellanchini | Conan Antonio Motti | Liam "Snooks" Brenner | Bishop of Aquila | The Kurgan | Carter J. Burke | Anton Bartok | Colonel William Stuart | Jim | Joyce Monroe | Martin Burney | Henry Evans | Howard Payne | Juno Skinner | King Edward I of England | Elena Dubrow | Albert Nimziki | Abigail Williams | April Smuntz | Phil Fimple | Caledon Hockley | Mason Wren | Steamboat Willie | Sebulba | Aaron the Moor | Collignon | Tom Edison, Jr. | Liz Henson | Chuck | Jack McKay | Vera | June | Bill Henson | Tom Edison, Sr. | Mrs. Henson | Ben | Gloria | Martha | Olivia | Jason | Mr. Henson | Larry Quinn | Kelly | Rasputia Latimore | Stranz Van Waldenberg | Fairchild Van Waldenberg | Darren MacElroy | Assef | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Adolfo Pirelli | Jonas Fogg | Alex Goran | Ryan Edwards | Marko Hoxha | George Harvey | Vanessa | Parker Selfridge | Patty Farrell | Dylan Gould | Steven Jacobs | Dodge Landon | Richard Detmer | Stan Warren | Heather Hills | Fernando Wood | Harold Attinger | Charlie Hesketh | Ajax | Dr. Zander Rice | Poppy Adams | The President | Headmaster | Jatemme Manning | Vector | Craig Grummond | Hal, Mercedes and Charles | Frank

Animated Television
The Simpsons
Agnes Skinner | Kindergarten Teacher | Ms. Cantwell | Ms. Kelp | Jebediah Springfield | Cesar and Ugolin | Judge Constance Harm | Sideshow Bob (Ei8ht) | Seymour Skinner (real) | Stan (Car Salesman) | Judge Constance Harm | Stuart (All's Fair in Oven War) | Contestants (All's Fair in Oven War) | Sasha Reed

Family Guy
Connie DiMico | Jeffery Fecalman | Sheriff Nichols | The Warden | Peter Griffin (Actor)

King Of The Hill
Graydon Creed | Buckley | School Nurse | Dog Trainer | Junie Harper | Willie Lane | Jo Rita | Everett | Caleb | Tommy | Rollo

Bob's Burgers
Fanny (Bob's Burgers) | Deirdre | Denise | Gloria Genarro | Jimmy Pesto | Tammy Larsen | Cynthia Bush | Chuck Charles | Grover Fischoeder | Mr. Dowling | Al Genarro | Logan Bush | Hugo Habercore

Alcazar | Henry | Pang Bing | Krogan

Live-Action Television
Coach Mike Kankle | Warren Mears | Caleb | Billy Blim | Pete Anderson

Count Rugen

Kevin McCallister (Rated-R Home Alone)

See Also
Buena Vista International Hate Sinks | Disney Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Pannonia Film Studio Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Diary of a Wimpy Kid Hate Sinks

           UniversalLogo Hate Sinks

Animated Features
Warren T. Rat | The Bullying Orphans | Sharptooth | Tower | El Supremo | Steele | Mr. Grasping | Chief McBrusque | Toplofty and O'Bloat | Rinkus and Sierra | Lola | Vincent | Gladys Sharp | Sir Lancelot | Makunga | Botticelli Remorso | Derek Dietl | Miss Hattie | Carnival Barker | Antonio Perez | Shannon | Valerie Da Vinci | Sensei O'Sullivan | Aloysius O'Hare | The Once-ler's Family (The Once-ler's Mother, Brett and Chet, Aunt Grizelda & Uncle Ubb) | Guy Gagné | Ms. Grunion | Chef Bergen | Creek | Lance | Idrees | Bellroc | Zong-Shi | Jimmy Crystal | Klaus Kickenklober | Perrito's Former Owners

Live-Action Features
Max Cady | Bob Ewell | Baron Vladimir Harkonnen | Brian's Mother | Brian's Father | Biff Tannen (Bad Future) Bug | Phil Simpson | Miss Kettlewell | Brett C. Shelton | Vera Cosgrove | Uncle Les | Donald Gennaro | Dennis Nedry | Lewis Dodgson (Original and Film Version) | Captain Amazing | Casanova Frankenstein | Amon Goeth | Cliff Vandercave | Juno Skinner | Duchess | Hoggetts' Granddaughter | The Granddaughter's Parents | David McCall | Dr. Jonas Miller | King Einon | Patricia Bradley | Johnny Bartlett | Dieter Stark | Mike | April Smuntz | Phil Fimple | Nick Kudrow | Steamboat Willie | Sheriff Warren Pike | Marcus Andrews | William Wharton | Percy Wetmore | William Johns | Patrick Bateman | Mayor Augustus Maywho | David Griffin | Mason Verger | Frank Slater | Marty Wolf | David Banner | Mia | Larry Quinn | Captain Hook | David Fastidious | Selma Quickly | Drake Merwin | Rasputia Latimore | Stranz Van Waldenberg | Fairchild Van Waldenberg | Darren MacElroy | Assef | Judge Turpin | Beadle Bamford | Adolfo Pirelli | Jonas Fogg | Dollface | Abomination | Emperor Han | Alex Goran | George Harvey | Vanessa | Dylan Gould | Bumper Allen | Brooke | Fernando Wood | Santana | The Woman in White | Barb Pierce | Zack White | Ray | Albert | Harold Attinger | Blaire Lily | Vic Hoskins | Trevor Olson | John Cooke | Armitage Family (Rose Armitage, Dean Armitage, Jeremy Armitage, Missy Armitage, Marianne Armitage & Roman Armitage) | Cipher | Simone | Dr. Foley | Lori Spengler | Dr. Gregory Butler | Danielle Bouseman | Fergus Hobart | Rallah | Eli Mills | Ken Wheatley | Gunnar Eversol | Dr. Ranbir Sartain | Tarby Corrigan | Woody Mingo | Ben Hawkins | Mercedes | Debra Hammer | Ice Show Director | Theatre Director | Theatre Producer | Angry Man on Bus | The Invisible Man | Tom Griffin | Judge Julius Hoffman | Paul Bernardi | Jack | Jocasta | Logan Ash | Valdo Obruchev | The Grabber | Ryder Muybridge | Terry Tramer | Stacy | Billy | Doug Mulaney | Joan Cunningham | Nelson Christopher | DJ Willy The Kid | Jeremy Allen | Celia | Brandon | Aimes | Doug | Aunt Jane | Jeff | Scott | Marshall Riggs

Animated Television
Burgermeister Meisterburger | Oliver | Pang Bing | Bloodwolf | Krogan | Sendak | Queen Usurna | D-Stroy | Dr. Emilia | Bernice Krupp | Alpha Mom and Dad | Dr. Emilia's Father | Daniel Kon | Kash D. Langford | Mitch & Tiff | Eli Mills | Frederic Estes | Turtleneck Superstar | Happy Sedengry | Outside Consultant Baby | Bellroc | Biff Tannen

Live-Action Television
Henry Van Statten | William Lewis | Peter Bester | Lexy Cross | Junior Wheeler | Lucas Wheeler | Dr. Mixter

Queen Nerissa (Breaking The Generational Cycle) | Sky (Madagascar 4: Skipper's Story) | Lord Farquaad (YTP: Lord Fuckquaad sexually assaults a biscuit)

See Also
20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Blumhouse Productions Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Illumination Hate Sinks | Jurassic Park Hate Sinks | Miramax Hate Sinks | Netflix Hate Sinks | Rankin/Bass Hate Sinks | Sony Pictures Hate Sinks | WingNut Films Hate Sinks
