Hate Sink Wiki

Louis D'Anjou Offended
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I smell death!
~ Sol Regem's most famous quote every time he senses the smell of dark magic.
You are lesser beings.
~ Sol Regem expressing his disdain for humanity during his confrontation with Ziard.

Sol Regem, formerly known as Anak Araw, is the overarching antagonist of the Netflix original series, The Dragon Prince. He is the archdragon of the sun, who holds extreme hatred for humans and despise their practice of dark magic. He was a former king of the dragons before Avizandum until he was blinded by Ziard, the first dark mage. Throughout the centuries he has lived, he still holds contempt for humans and wishes for their destruction.

He was voiced by Adrian Hough.

What Makes Him a Hate Sink?[]

  • He has a deep-seated hatred towards humanity due to their inferiority, and it grows when he finds out they're practices dark magic.
  • His most infamous act of reporting Leola, a Startouch elven girl who has taught humans magic, to the Great Ones, leading the Stern One to execute her. This ultimately leads her father, Aaravos, to his path of vengeance on all of Startouch Elves.
    • So in a nutshell, this action is what led to later events in the series to happen.
  • When Ziard refused to give up the dark magic, he flew his way to burn Elarion to ashes, killing all the innocent people. As Ziard tries to stop the dragon, Sol Regem flew back and killed him, but not without becoming blinded by Ziard.
  • In a fit of rage, he accidentally buried his mate Aithnne Solair (though he deeply regrets it upon finding out).
  • He is a massive hypocrite as despite his hatred towards humanity for poaching innocent magical creatures for dark magic, Sol himself doesn't care for them as he is willing to kill Zym and Rayla just for being associates of Callum, as well as helping Karim to attempt to slaughter the Sunfire Elves.
  • He does not hesitate to murder children, with Zym as a baby.
  • He threatened to kill Karim just for disturbing his sleep.
  • He later abandoned Karim during his war against Katolis.
  • He is responsible for Viren's death as he sacrificed his own heart to use dark magic to protect his people from Sol Regem's fire.
  • When Aaravos taunted him about his mate's death, in the fit of rage, he attempted to kill Aaravos by eating him, only to have eaten Pharos instead, leading to him to be choked to death.
  • Unlike most antagonists of the series (excluding Stern One), Sol Regem doesn't have any redeeming qualities other than his love for Aithnne Solair, and he's one of the more detestable characters.

External Links[]

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Animated Features
Bellroc | Zong-Shi | Lane and Irmgard Klaxon | King and Queen of The Crown | Podestà

Live-Action Features
Anders Behring Breivik | Shere Khan | Amir Asif | Thanh Sói | Judge Julius Hoffman | Arquette | Catherine Ortiz | Anders Behring Breivik | Amir Asif | Henderson (You) | Janie Orlean | Jason Orlean | Peter Isherwell

Animated Television
Krogan | Queen Usurna | Forever | Butterscotch Horseman | Joseph Sugarman | The Bishop | Scarred Man | Comte de Vaublanc | Bernice Krupp | Dicko | Alpha Mom and Dad | Dr. Emilia | Dr. Emilia's Father | Finn | Finnegrin | Sol Regem | Stern One | Periander | Acrisius | David's Marra | Kelly | Camp Lifeguard | Dirk | Pastry Pete | Bellroc

Live-Action Television
Dr. Georgina Orwell | Chad Garland | Randy Lesser | Captain Frederick Gideon | Captain Frederick Gideon (Demon) | Arturo Roman | Cesar Gandia | Choi Yoon-Jae | Jang Deok-su | Player 278 | Factory Owner | The VIPs | Nam-gyu | Seon-nyeo | Im Jeong-dae | Yoon Gwi-nam | Son Myeong-hwan | Joseph Crackstone | Esther Sinclair | Seth Massey | Mr. de la Cruz | Marcus Cole | Taylor and Kenneth | Rick Wlodimierz | Dean Holbrook | Monty de la Cruz (original script) | Carmelita Spatz | Tristan (I Woke Up a Vampire)

See Also
13 Reasons Why Hate Sinks | 20th Century Studios Hate Sinks | Amblin Entertainment Hate Sinks | DreamWorks Hate Sinks | Entertainment Film Distributors Hate Sinks | Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Hate Sinks | Paramount Hate Sinks | Pathé Hate Sinks | Stranger Things Hate Sinks | Tim Burton Hate Sinks | Universal Studios Hate Sinks | Warner Bros. Hate Sinks
