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Stacy is Leah's best friend in the sport drama movie Flying (1986).

She is portrayed by Samantha Logan.

What Makes Her a Hate Sink?[]

  • She bullied, alongside Leah, Robin just because she is the "geeky assistant" in their gymnastic team and has a crush on Mark Sanderson.
  • She forbids her to practice and having friends in the team.
  • Tried to skip practice to have a date and justify to Mrs. Stoller that "at least she has a social life!".
  • She is envy of Robin because she is better than her.
  • She played a cruel prank on Robin by making her believe that Mark was interested in her and was inviting her at a theme party, "Funky Night", which in reality was a fancy diner in the Sanderson Mansion between wealthy people.
  • she lied at Mrs. Stoller about the gymnastic-off at the drive-in diner, saying that it was Robin's idea.
  • Getting a flat tire on Robin's mop while she and Leah were driving home in Mark's fancy car and laughing at her for it.
  • Making fun of Robin because she has a crush on Tommy Warnecki.
    • She sprayed ketchup on Robin's hand on purpose and laughed about it with Leah.
  • Stacy says that she had to be at the Nationals instead of Robin, because she thought she was better than her.

External Links[]
